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The Norn's Hangout--DownloadsAll files on this page are zipped if you don't have winzip you can dowload it here
Gismo has sea blue out lines he is not mine but I would like one of his children. His children normaly turn out a sea blue color he is very friendly. Click Here to download Gismo.
Jack is a older norn but a friendly norn he loves to chat with his fellow norns he is about 16 or 15 hours old I'd like to know how many hours you get him to live the longest I've had a norn live to be 18 hours old. Click Here to dowload Jack.
Katie is able to breed she is smart and send me one of her children she is a spacial little norn made up of good norn blood so take good care of her. Click Here to download Katie.
Nick is a smart norn he is old but still lovable he is geting on in his years and he loves be tickled. Click Here to download Nick.
Qate is a very smart norn he is old but I can esily say he will probaly live to be 20 hours old he is a very good norn and he enjoys the company of other norns he was a good breeder and look for his children some of them are imortal. Click here to download Qate.
This little norn is a keeper she's a child and a cute one at that she's very smart and likes to lern new words and she has never met a grandel yet so she dosen't know the word. Click Here to download Stephany.
This is Blake! He was givin to me by ~NornStar~ Please send any of his children to: Click here to download Blake.
Say hello to Carol she is very cute and loves to explore she is adorable she is not old enough to mate as you can see but she is able to play with other norns and she likes to most of the time. Click Here to download Carol.
This is a very cute norn her name is Twinkle and she loves just to wander around and check out things. Click Here to download Twinkle.
This is Cuff he is not one of mine he is Dr§mile it is very cute and has these cuffs around each arm that is why he is named Cuff. Click Here to dowload Cuff.
This is Whitney she is a inteligant and smart female she is recovering from haveing a child she is a good breeder and has had many children, I'm sure she will be perfect if you are haveing trouble breeding. Click Here to dowload Whitney.
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