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Chris "Sticks" Bostick is a powerlifter and artist whose work has appeared in "Strength and Health"

David Gentle

Noted Physical Culture Historian and Scholar

Sig Klein Pinch Gripper

Here's a pinch gripper of another design:

Contributed by

Bruce Tackett

Hook Pinch Dead Lift

Exercise Bar

Hand over Hand Pull & Weight Platform

Single Handed Plumbers Supply Grip Machine

Triceps & Tuck Rope

Extended Squat Yoke Bar

PVC Triceps Pushups Stand

Made of 3/4" PVC. This stand can be used against the edge of a counter, table, dresser, chair, etc. The diameters of the PVC on either end of the handle assembly were sanded down so that it would rotate freely within the elbows on either end. 3/8" foam on a 1 x 4 provides a cushion to rest your hands against while gripping the handles. This device keeps you firmly in place while performing triceps pushups.

- Bruce Tackett

Uses For THE HOOK!

The Hook - Available from Sierra Exercise Equipment

Brucie Mocha

Fond of Café Mocha? Tired of paying a fortune for a bottle of Café Mocha? Here is an easy to make recipe for the best tasting Café Mocha you'll ever wrap your Café Mocha lovin' lips around!

Brew 4 Cups of fresh coffee.

Place the carafe on a hot pad.

Stir in 1 level Tbsp Natural Baker's Cocoa. Stir thoroughly.

Stir in 3 level Tbsp Nestlé's Chocolate Quick. Stir thoroughly.

Stir in 1 Tbsp Raw Unfiltered Honey. Stir thoroughly.

Stir in 1 1/2 Cups of milk and 1/2 Cup of Root Beer.

Refrigerate in a 32 oz. glass bottle. Shake well before serving. One delicious glass of Brucie Mocha costs just pennies.

Contributed by

Bruce Tackett

Sticks' Tips

Sticks' History of Physical Culture

Sticks' Tee Shirt Designs


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