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Creators of Row Counts

     Here is a listing of the row counts by names of the people who did them. I have tried to give credit to the graph creators and row counters if I have their names. If you see a graph and/or row count that is yours and your name is not on it, please let me know so I can give you the credit you richly deserve. I know the counts are very time-consuming to do.

Please do not make copies to sell.
These row counts are for your own personal use.
Whenever possible, I have tried to put up links from each page to the original graphs. Most, if not all, of these afghans can be seen in my NEW Webshots photo album under "Graph that go with Counts".
     All the row counts are for right-handed unless otherwise stated. If you are a lefty, please reverse the rows.
ALL row counts at my web site are done for the afghan/tunisian stitch.
ALL of the row counts can be converted for use with the single crochet stitch
by reversing every other row to allow for the turning of the afghan.
If you have any questions, please e-mail me.

Row Counters of the Row Counts Found Within My Site:
Aleah (Bryson) Russell's Row Counts:
(Contact Aleah)
  1. Carousel Horse
Becky's (Rebecca Davis'/Becky in Iowa's) Graphs:
(Contact Becky)
  1. Cat On Pillow
  2. Puppy Blocks
  3. Stars Heart
Belinda (Belle) Maldonado's Graphs:
(Contact Belle)
  1. Crayons (for lefties)
  2. Crayons (for righties)
Chelle's Row Counts:
(Contact Chelle)
  1. '68 Charger
Dawn's (ditzycrochet's) Row Counts:
(Contact Dawn)
  1. Ladybug Center
Deb (a.k.a. drh); Hammond's Row Counts:
(Contact drh) - (drh's Albums)
  1. ABC Bear
  2. Aerobics Bear
  3. Alaska Flag 1a
  4. Apple Basket 3
  5. American Flag Firehat 2
  6. Army/Air Force Bear
  7. Baby Bottle 80x80
  8. Baby Boy 1
  9. Baby Girl 1
  10. Baby Ladybug
  11. Baby Wipes Tiger
  12. Band
  13. Baseball Bear
  14. Basketball Hoop 1d
  15. Basketball 2
  16. Basketball 3
  17. Bat Pumpkin
  18. BBQ Cat
  19. Beagle
  20. Bear Costume
  21. Bernese Mountain Dog 2
  22. Black/Chocolate/Golden Lab
  23. Breast Cancer Ribbon Afghan 1
  24. Bulldog 4
  25. Cancer Ribbon
  26. Cardinal (Bird)
  27. Carousel Horse 2
  28. Chad's Bat and Ball
  29. Choc Aid
  30. Confederate Flag
  31. Cookie Bear
  32. Cow Moon
  33. Crib Party
  34. Dachshund
  35. Dale Earnhardt, Sr. Hood
  36. Doctor Bear
  37. Dodge Truck
  38. Doxies (Dachshunds)
  39. Eagle Gold
  40. Electrician Bear
  41. Elephant Baby 1
  42. Elvis in Blue Silhouette 1
  43. Ferret
  44. Figure Skater Bear
  45. Fireman Bear
  46. Fireman Quilt
  47. Giraffe Head
  48. Golfer
  49. Guam 2
  50. Guinea Pig
  51. Heart and Roses
  52. Hearts 2
  53. Hockey Bear
  54. Home Run Mouse
  55. I Love You 1 (in ASL)
  56. Indian Chief
  57. Indian Eagle
  58. In Loving Memory
  59. Jack Russell 1
  60. Joe Diffie 3
  61. Kelly's Cook Off
  62. Kitty & A Rose
  63. Kitty & Teddy Bear
  64. Liberty Bear
  65. Lighthouse and Sailboat
  66. Lil Mouse
  67. Little Angel
  68. Love Sports 2
  69. Lucy Baby Bottle Bear
  70. Marine Bear
  71. Marine Emblem
  72. Mechanic Bear
  73. Moon & Stars 1
  74. Moonlight Reflection
  75. Mustang YMR Emblem 119x101
  76. Mustang YMR Emblem 59x50
  77. Navy Bear
  78. One Nation
  79. Parrot Head
  80. Paw Print 2
  81. Pig
  82. Pirate's Jolly Roger
  83. Plumber Bear
  84. POW-MIA 1
  85. Puzzle Graph
  86. Rose JA
  87. Rose Wreath
  88. Sheepdog 1
  89. Sheriff Bear
  90. Shih Tzu 1
  91. Shih Tzu Head 1
  92. Snowman
  93. Soccer Ball 80x80
  94. Soccer Ball Happy
  95. (I Love) Sports
  96. Teddy & Sailboat
  97. Skull Hat
  98. Stallion Hot
  99. Teddy Bear 80x80
  100. Tiger Butterfly
  101. Toby Keith 2
  102. Train Car Truck
  103. Tulips
  104. Tumbling Blocks
  105. Tumbling Blocks 2
  106. Twin Towers
  107. Weightlifter Elephant
  108. Weightlifter Silhouette 3
  109. Westie 1
  110. Yankee Doodle Bear
  111. Yorkie 1
  112. Yorkie 1 Revised
Debra Messer's Row Counts:
(Contact Debra M.)
  1. Music America
  2. White Cat W/ Roses
Diane (Wild Di) DiDeNardo's Row Counts:
  1. Val's Tulips
Donna (Donna in OH) Ahrens' Row Counts:
(Contact Donna)
  1. Dolphin 2
  2. Parrot
  3. Schnauzer Silhouette
Erica Taylor's Row Counts:
(Contact Erica)
  1. Teacher Pillow
Holly Hakala's Row Counts:
(Contact Holly)
  1. Hooah Army Blanket
Jeanne Love's Row Counts:
(Contact Jeanne)
  1. Praying Girl
  2. Victory Junction Swinging Child
Jewel's Row Counts:
(Contact Jewel)
  1. Eagle Weeps (w/o text)
Joan Blair's Row Counts:
  1. Basset Hound Head 1
  2. Cheetah
  3. Fireman
  4. Lil Devil 1
  5. Lil Devil 1a
  6. Sheepdog Head 1
  7. Zebra Head
Judy Simpson's Row Counts:
(Contact Judy)
  1. Sleepy Witzy
Kathy Brown's Row Counts:
(Contact Kathy B.)
  1. Cat Lover
  2. FC Barcelona 1
Kathy McCraw's Row Counts:
(Contact Kathy McCraw)
  1. Alphabet (upper case)
  2. Baby Bear 80x80
  3. Baby Panda Bear 80x80
  4. Ballerina Bear
  5. Bear Face 80x80
  6. Blue Bunny 60x52
  7. Brown White Horse
  8. Dog Head
  9. Elephant 90x90
  10. Frog
  11. Hummingbird
  12. Rabbit Baby Blanket 80x80
  13. Snowbird
  14. Snowman Baby Blanket
  15. Teddy with Baseball Bat
  16. Toy Train Baby Afghan
  17. Toy Train Crib Afghan
  18. Turtle With Heart
  19. Yellow Rose
Kathy Moores' Row Counts:
(Contact Kathy M.)
  1. American Butterfly
  2. American Home
  3. Baby Bear W/ Star 1
  4. Baby Bear W/ Star 2
  5. Baby Blocks
  6. Baby Bear Head
  7. Baby Bluebird
  8. Baby Bottle Bear Blue/Pink
  9. Baby Carriage Squares
  10. Baby Duck 60x100
  11. Baby Train
  12. Baby Zoo Animals
  13. Bear & Goose
  14. Bear With Butterfly Shirt
  15. Blue Jean Teddy Bear
  16. Bookworm 2
  17. Butterfly 1 (Blue)
  18. Butterfly 2
  19. Car
  20. Cat Moon
  21. Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Hood
  22. Dale Earnhardt Sr. 2 (MoEZ)
  23. Dale Earnhardt Sr. 2 (SC)
  24. Dale Jarrett #88 Hood 1
  25. Deer Head
  26. Double Roses
  27. Dump Truck (Toy)
  28. Eagle (B&W)
  29. Feel Your Heart Race Flag 1
  30. Flowers
  31. Harry Potter 3
  32. Hearts Pillow
  33. Hermoine
  34. Horse Silhouette
  35. Hug Me Bear
  36. Indian Chief Silhouette
  37. It's A Girl Bear
  38. It's A Boy Bear W/ Blue Balloon
  39. It's A Girl Bear W/ Pink Balloon
  40. It's A Boy Lion
  41. It's A Girl Lion
  42. It's A Boy Rattle
  43. It's A Girl Rattle
  44. Mama Duck & 3 Babies
  45. Never Forget
  46. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
  47. #1 Teacher
  48. Nyah Nyah Smiley
  49. Orca 1
  50. Orca 2
  51. Panda Twins
  52. Patriotic Heart
  53. Patriotic Teddy
  54. Preemie Block Afghan
  55. Preemie Faith Heart Afghan
  56. Preemie Joy Heart Afghan
  57. Preemie Love Heart Afghan
  58. Preemie Quilt Afghan
  59. Primary Color Puzzle
  60. Race Lover
  61. Raggedy Teddy (Blue)
  62. Raggedy Teddy (Brown)
  63. Raggedy Teddy (Pink)
  64. Raggedy Teddy (Purple)
  65. Rainbow Waves
  66. Raising The Flag
  67. Rose (Long Stem)
  68. Rose Pillow
  69. Rowdy Joe
  70. Rubber Ducky
  71. School Bus 3
  72. Shy Bear
  73. Smiley Face
  74. Smiley Face 2
  75. Smiley Faces - See No, Hear No, Speak
  76. Smiley Softball
  77. Smiley Teapot
  78. Smiley Tongue
  79. Snowman (B&W)
  80. Stuffed Dog
  81. Tedrick Bear
  82. To Have & To Hold
  83. Train Engine
  84. Troop Support
  85. U.S. Flag
  86. U.S. Navy Emblem
  87. Wolf Head
  88. Wolf Moon Silhouette
Kris S.' Row Counts:
(Contact Kris S.)
  1. Africa to USA
  2. Butterfly 3
  3. Car 50x45
  4. Fishbowl 50x50
  5. Horse
  6. Ladybug 50x50
  7. Monkey 45x45
  8. Praying Hands
  9. U.S.A. Roses
  10. Wedding Rings
Linda (diznemom) Gelb's Row Counts:
(Contact Linda G.) - (Albums)
  1. Africa to USA
  2. Airplane
  3. Blue Boy Bear
  4. Bow Teddy
  5. Brown Bear 1
  6. Bunny
  7. Dolphins
  8. Double Dragons
  9. Duck and Baby
  10. Eagle Weeps (w/ text)
  11. Flower Teddy
  12. Harry Potter 2
  13. Heart 1b
  14. Heart Teddy
  15. Ice Cream Teddy
  16. Panda (B&W)
  17. Panda Crib
  18. Sheepdog
  19. Truck
  20. Unicorn
  21. Yorkie 1 Revised
Lois Morrison's Row Counts:
(Contact Lois)
  1. Twin Tulips
Marcy Taylor's Row Counts:
(Contact Marcy) - (Albums)
  1. (Flower) Daisy 32x32
  2. Kenosha Lighthouse
  3. Lighthouse (Autumn)
  4. Lighthouse (Winter)
  5. RN Medical Sign
  6. Two Hearts
Marge's Row Counts:
  1. Elvis by Sue
Michelle Curl's Row Counts:
(Contact Michelle C.)
  1. Him
Michelle Menard's Row Counts:
(Contact Michelle M.) - (Albums)
  1. Anniversary Heart
  2. Amish Buggy Sil. 1
  3. Baby Feet
  4. Breast Cancer Ribbon Afghan 2
  5. A Design 1
  6. A Design 2
  7. A Design 3
  8. A Design 4
  9. A Design 7
  10. Dragon Head 2
  11. John Lennon
  12. Law and Order 1
  13. Wrestlers 1 - 135x120
Monika Klee's Row Counts:
(Contact Monika)
  1. Twin Tulips
Paula in WI's Row Counts:
(Contact Paula in WI)
    1. Fireman Cross
Patti in NM's Row Counts:
(Contact Patti in NM)
    1. Turtle Pillow
Phyllis Selby's Row Counts:
(Contact Phyllis S.)
    1. Cowboy W/ Rope/Saddle
Ramona Stubblefield's Row Counts:
(Contact Ramona) - (Ramona's Albums)
  1. A Dandy
  2. '68 Charger
  3. Anchor
  4. Anchors & Lighthouse
  5. Baby 45x45
  6. Baby Duck 45x45
  7. Beach Landscape
  8. Bee 50x50
  9. Bird
  10. Bluebird, Flowers, & Heart
  11. Blue Butterfly 2
  12. Blue Rose 50x50
  13. Butterfly 1 45x45
  14. Butterfly 2 45x45
  15. Butterfly Quilt
  16. Butterfly 2 by Ramona
  17. Butterfly 3 by Ramona
  18. Cat in Window
  19. Cat in Window 2
  20. Cats Rule
  21. Christmas Quilt (Single Block)
  22. Christmas Star Quilt
  23. Dragon Head
  24. Fairy Pillow
  25. Floral 6
  26. Footprint 45x45
  27. Horse Head 1
  28. Hot Air Balloon
  29. Hummingbird 2
  30. Indian Pottery
  31. John Wayne Head Silhouette
  32. Kitty 45x45
  33. Kitty Holding Rose
  34. Little Chickie
  35. Love Me, Love My Cat
  36. Made In The USA
  37. Military Quilt
  38. Mr. Fix-It 1
  39. Mocheting Teddy Grandma
  40. Mountains & River
  41. Music Lover
  42. Native American Face
  43. Parrot 2
  44. Piggy 45x45
  45. Poinsettia Quilt
  46. Poinsettia Quilt (Single Block)
  47. Poinsettia 2 Quilt
  48. Poinsettia 2 Quilt (Single Block)
  49. Police Quilt
  50. Quilt Lover
  51. Quilt Lover 2
  52. Raggedy Doll 50x50
  53. Rainbow 45x45
  54. Randy's Bike
  55. Red Rose
  56. Rubber Duck In Water 80x80
  57. Siesta
  58. Skunk & Flowers
  59. Smile 50x50
  60. Star 50x50
  61. Sun 45x45
  62. Sunflower 45x45
  63. Teacher
  64. Teddy Pillow 50x50
  65. Think Summer
  66. Unicorn (framed)
  67. Wildflower
  68. Wolf Head (Gray)
Randi Fortuin's Row Counts:
(Contact Randi F.)
  1. Mouse & Duck 80x80
Rita Canada's Row Counts:
  1. Nascar #3 Pillow
  2. Nascar #8 Pillow
  3. Nascar #88 Pillow
Sandy Hoalcraft's Row Counts:
(Contact Sandy H.)
  1. Confederate Flag
  2. Rod Stewart
Sarah Vacca's Row Counts:
  1. Ducky
Shelly Cannaday's Row Counts:
(Contact Shelly)
  1. CV-22 Airplane
  2. Elvis 1
  3. Elvis 2
  4. Elvis 3
  5. Horse Head Pillow
  6. Ozzy Cartoon
  7. Parrot Pillow
  8. Thunderbird
  9. Unicorn #4
  10. West Coast Choppers
  11. White Tiger 2
Susan Spiegelhalter's Row Counts:
  1. Triquetra

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This web site was created and designed by Linda Gelb.
With HTML help from Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Updated as of 21 Dec. 2008.