CyCo's Version 1.01 WorldCode DataBase ©

E ver wonder what all those different codes at the end of an internet address mean? Now you can easily find out what ad or zw stands for with WorldCode DataBase © . All compiled info is per the latest stats via the International Standards Organization (ISO).
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W orldCode DataBase quickly finds the country code of any letter combination found at the end of an internet address. Example: Let's say you want to find out where originates...just click on the "Z" button to reveal that it is from Zimbabwe! Very user friendly, especially for those running their own webserver.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6.0, Firefox0.9.1, Opera7.54 and Netscape7.02. This script worked well in all platforms with no variations observed.

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Y ou can either use our DataBase and bookmark it if you want or add this effect into your pages.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java script, this is an easy one part, with minimal reconfigurations copy and paste code as a complete HTML document.
The Web Site ] you get the copy and paste code has an error in their code. We notified them of the error 09/19/04.

To acquire a good copy of the code, grab the below link and you are there.
Get Good Code Here ]

O ne other thing you need to do is upload 3 images in the same directory as the Database is located. If you upload thew images into a different directory, you need to modify the image HTML codes to reflect the directory where they (images) are located.
Images To Be Uploaded ]

B elow, we will show you where the images you upload are located. All the images are located in the <BODY> section of the document. The background image itself is located within the <BODY> tag itself.

Body Tag


<body background="starback2.gif" bgcolor="#000000" text="#fff0f5" link="#fff8dc" alink="#fff8dc" vlink="#fff8dc" topmargin="0" marginheight="0">

<form name="CyCoform" onmouseover="highlightButton('start')" onmouseout="highlightButton('')">

Accent Box

Accent Box      There are 6 locations where this little Accent Box is located. Just study the <BODY> section to find them. This is what you need to look for.

<img src="cycobbl.gif" width=13 height=13>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

Notice:         in the above code how the image is not completely defined. Proper HTML coding dictates you should show the complete path to the image. See below how we did it within the code:

<img src="" width=13 height=13>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

Also Notice how we had to reconfigure the path to the image because our images are all located in our image/ directory

T he next thing we will cover is the location of the border around the textarea form box. see below where this is located within the <BODY> section of the code.

International Standards Organization (ISO).7lt;/td><td valign=top><table
cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=436 height=330 align=center
background="wcbg06.gif"><tr><td align=center>

T he last thing we shall cover is where within the <BODY> section to look for the blank images. They are located in two places within the code.

<textarea name="text" rows="13" cols="47" style="border:0" style="scrollbar-base-color:white;scrollbar-arrow-color:blue;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:white;scrollbar-Face-Color:white;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:white;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:white;scrollbar-Track-Color:white"></textarea>
<center><img src="blank.gif" width=1><input type="button" name="B1" value="A" OnClick="a()"


<img src="blank.gif" width=1><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Show All"
style="width:130px;background-color:6BA1F7;font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;font-family:arial"><INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear All"

I f you have any problems with this, feel free to contact us.

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