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Single Page Link Anchors

W e have embedded this tag <A NAME="TOP"></A> just above to designate the top of the page.

Go to the middle ] [ Go to the bottom ]

I f you have a long page with lots of info, you may want to provide relative links to sections of your page from a menu of links. To do this you use the # symbol in your A HREF code. For example, let's say you have three links on your page that you wish to target from the top of your page. All you need to do is to create the anchors with the Name Tag. Then you source your hyperlinks at the top of the page, referencing the # symbol. It's easier than it sounds.

<A HREF="#TOP">Go to the Top</A><BR>
<A HREF="#MIDDLE">Go to the middle</A><BR>
<A HREF="#BOTTOM">Go to the bottom</A><BR>

T hese hyperlinks will jump to the anchors you create throughout your page. You can call them anything you like, as long as they relate to the hyperlinks:

<A NAME="TOP"></A>
This appears at the top of the page.

This references info at the middle of the page.


This anchors to the bottom of the page.

I n other words, if this is still a little confusing, just put the URL of the page you are on, and then place the #name of part of page to linkto. See below:

<A HREF="Page URL Here#MIDDLE">Go to the middle</A>
<A HREF="Page URL Here#BOTTOM">Go to the bottom</A>

B elow is exactly how we have a few of the link anchors set up for this page if this makes it any clearer for you.

<A HREF="">Go to the middle</A>
<A HREF="">Go to the bottom</A>

O ne a final note, if the page you are adding these link anchors to is not your root URL or main page, you need to put the complete URL of the page into the link. If you don't, what happens is that it will default and change pages to your root URL page.

<A HREF="Your Page URL.html#MIDDLE">Go to the middle</A>

Different Page Anchors

A bove we have discussed and shown you how to make page anchors within the same page. Now we will show you how to link to another page within your site in a certain section of the linked to page.

1)    Name the section on the second page you wish to click to from the first page. We named the section "remote. You can name it anything you want.
2)    Now you will add the below tag in the section on the other page you want to link to.

<a name="remote"></a>

3)    Now create a link to the linking page and the name of the linking area on the other page.

<a href="Your Linking Page Address#remote">Link Name</a>

As you can notice, all we did was put the URL of the linking page with the ending of #remote. Now, click the below link and see where it will take you on the linked to page.
Go To Selected Area Of Another Page ]

JavaScript Alert

W ant to get the last word in? Then try this very simple JavaScript to alert your visitors when they leave a page. You could use this for a number of purposes: remind them to bookmark your site; ask them if they visited an important part of your site; thank them for visiting; or even display contact information as they exit. To do this and more, all you have to do is add a simple line of code to the Body Tag of your html code.

<body onUnload="window.alert('Don\'t forget to bookmark this page!')">

Y ou can replace the alert text to anything you want. Note how the apostrophe has been prefaced by a backslash.

('Don\'t forget to bookmark this page!')

T his prevents the script from ending too early and you receiving an error message of
" Error: Expected 'j' ". The reasoning behind the error message is quite simple. This script makes use of the single apostrophe '. You are adding an extra character to the script that is not allowed without first adding the front slash to tell the script it is alright to use this character and then the apostrophe.

W hen a visitor leaves a page with this code embedded in the <BODY> Tag, an alert box appears (with an alert sound, if enabled) to present your final message.
And, of course, if you want to make the alert happen on page load rather than exit, you guessed right, just replace "onUnload" with "onLoad".

T he below is how you would insert this into your body tag

<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#9966ff" link="#ffa500" alink="#ffff00" vlink="#ffa500"body onUnload="window.alert('Don\'t forget to bookmark this page!')">
<basefont size="3">

C lick the below link to see how this script works.
Click Here ]

The Top 5 JavaScript Mistakes

I f a writer forgets to include a comma inside a sentence or misspells a simple word most readers still understand the meaning of the text. JavaScript isn't nearly as forgiving: a missing comma can break your JavaScript code - or even your whole page. Learn how to find some of the most common mistakes at:
Top 5 JavaScript Mistakes ]

Search Engines Recognize Comment Tags

S earch engines recognize Comment Tags. You can use these to your advantage!

<!-- Children's Clothing -->
Your text.

<!-- Bagpipes, Sales and Repairs -->
Your text.

A t times, text on your site may not be optimally created for search engine spidering. To combat this deficiency, consider using comment tags above your text blocks. Not only will this help improve your search engine ranking, it can also help you to better organize your site for easy editing.

Cookies ~ Facts And Fibs

W e agree that cookies are tasty; however, we are not talking about food. On the Internet, cookies are of the "digital" variety. So what are cookies, and why are they used? Few technologies are as misunderstood or maligned as cookies. But you really have nothing to fear...

The Facts:

C ookies are simple files on your computer that web servers can access to both store and retrieve information on your computer.

C ookies can be opened with any text editor at any time from your own computer in c:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files. To delete in Internet Explorer: Tools>Internet Options>Delete Cookies. In Netscape: Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Cache.

Y ou can choose to accept or decline cookies. They are not forced. When you first open a browser and come to a site that requires cookies, you will be prompted to accept or decline. If you check the "Do not ask again" box for either option, you can forever accept or decline, or go on a case to case basis.

M ost sites that you visit use cookies in order to generate dynamic content. So if you go to a website and see a banner - then revisit the site 3 days later and see a new one - chances are a cookie is telling the internet to show you a different banner. Cookies used to remember information about you for when you re-visit the webpage you got the cookie from.

The Fibs:

C ookies give out anyone information that you do not tell it to." If you have filled out a form on a site with your email address, that cookie, and ONLY that cookie will have your email address to pass your email address to the SAME website. Cookies are NOT used to get information from your computer.

"C ookies are giving away valuable personal information to companies!" The ONLY way that they can do that, is if you entered that information somewhere online - forgot about it, then came back to the same website later, and your information appeared there. Cookies only remember what YOU have told them.

C ookies are simply a way to remember information that you have already given to a website for future use. That is all.

Escaping Frames

I f you can't stand to see your site trapped inside another site's frames, there is an easy way to get out. Simply create a link that points to the same page with TARGET="_top" (This, incidentally, is the proper way to code links out of frames.)

S o your code will look something like this:

<A HREF=""TARGET="_top">
Trapped in a frame?</A>

Try Me And See ]

T o target a new Browser Window, you can use this syntax: TARGET="_new" If you want to automatically ensure that every visitor is taken out of any frames, you can use a simple script within your BODY tag, like this:
onLoad="if (self != top) top.location = self.location".

I f you do not know how to add the little line of above code into your body tag, see the below example.

<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#9966ff" link="#ffa500" alink="#ffff00" vlink="#ffa500" onLoad="if (self != top) top.location = self.location">
<basefont size="3">

W e have embedded this tag <A NAME="MIDDLE"></A> just above to designate the middle of the page.

Go to the Top ] [ Go to the bottom ]

IE6 Image Bar Removal

Image Bar

W ith the advent of IE6, developers and users alike have seen many changes to the way browsers behave. Most of the changes are for the better.

H owever, one thing no one has really been able to call "beneficial" is the IE6 image toolbar. You know that annoying thing that shows up on your site when you mouse over an image? That is called an "image bar." And no one wants it on their site.

H ere are 2 ways to get rid of the image bar from your pages:

Use a Meta Tag in your <HEAD> section:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">

place the GALLERYIMG="no" attribute into your IMAGE tag so it would look something like this;
<img src="Path To Your Image" border=0 width="?" height="?" alt="?" GALLERYIMG="no">

Text Wrap

S ometimes you want to alter the way default text wraps within certain tags on your site. Fortunately, there are ways to customize how your text will "float" or "wrap" within certain type of display elements. Here are examples for tables, textareas and plain text displays:

Within the table cell tag, you can specify whether a cell should wrap to fit the proportions of your table. If you want to disable this, to ensure your text flows on one line, add this to the parameter to the cell tag: <td nowrap>
Of course, you always have the option to align with the cell tag: <td align="left"> etc.

These are display boxes, which can be used to either collect or display information from or to a user. If you are displaying text inside a text area, you have a couple of options:
1. <textarea wrap=virtual>Your text will wrap</textarea>
2. <textarea wrap=off>Your text will not wrap</textarea>

Line breaks or carriage returns are recognized by the textarea tag. So if you want to create some line breaks inside textareas, just do so as if you were using a regular text editor.

You can alter the alignment of text by adding a simple parameter to a div tag surrounding your text.? For example, if you want all your text to appear in a solid block, you can use the "justify" parameter, like this:

<div align="justify">
your text

Other values include:

<div align="left">
Your Text

<div align="center">
Your Text

<div align="right">
Your Text

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Go to the Top ] [ Go to the middle ]

W e have embedded this tag <A NAME="BOTTOM"></A> just below to designate the bottom of the page.