I f you are reading this, you have clicked on the preceding button and this page opened in a unique way. I f you would like to see this script in action again, [ Reload ] this page. W
e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6,
Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape4.08 where it will "Not" work, you will get a blank page besides an error message in the task bar of P ersonalize and make a statment with your site with the Revealer script. As the name suggests, this DHTML script gradually "Reveals" the entire content within a web page. D epending on your knowledge of HTML, java scripts and DHTML, (which stands for "Dynamic" HTML), this is basically a copy and paste as a complete HTML document and then start to remove* from the script what is not needed and then reconfigure it to your specifications.
T his script is basically not for anyone who does not have a good solid working background with HTML and java scripts. Please do not attemt this unless you are comfortable with the codes and understand what you are looking at within the code. B elow is the part of the code within the <BODY> section of the script that you reconfigure for the opening effect. Such as text, colors etc. <script language="JavaScript"> * This denotes the color of the text inside the boxed message B elow we have inserted parts of the code to point out what you can reconfigure and where you can add your page content.
*/ new initReveal(0,'#CCCCCC','#CCCCCC',1,1,'#000000','#000000',3,10,true); </script> B
elow is where within the script you would add your own content to the page. Notice there are two sections for your content. One for the header and the other for the information within your page. This you need to pay particular attention to for the script and page to look and function properly. If this part is slightly confusing, see our above link on <center><span class="header">Your Header Here*</span></center> Place All Your Body Information Here! </span> <center><span class="header"><h1>Your Header Here</h1> </span></center> B elow, you can see how the different header attributes will change the size of the header text.
Note Of Importance!
n a final note of importance concerning the URL this script will be on.
Under no circumstances place a back/forward slash / after the page address this effect will be on or in a link to the page you place this page. If you do, the opening effect will not be seen and it will open the page normally without the "Click To Enter" prompt. To clarify this very simply, the address of this page is:
Correct Address
Do Not! make the mistake of adding the back/forward slash into the address as below.
Incorrect Address
f you would follow both of the below links, you will see what we are explaining about the back/forward slash. Both links will open in a new window so you do not lose this page.
[ Correct Way To Write Link ]
[ Incorrect Way To Write Link ]
f you would like to add this effect into your pages, just grab the below link and you are there. If you have any problems, either contact us or the artist who designed this script.
[ Get Code Here ]
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