Peeker Pop Up Window

T his is a very subtle and quiet way to draw attention to something you want noticed.

I n IE4 and later, this script launches a type of window ad servers call a "peeker" popup --which slowly rises into view from the bottom of the screen. This is a frameless popup window without the Windows frame or titlebar (that is, a "containerless" window).

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is an easy, two part code that is inserted into the <HEAD> section of your document and the onLoad event handler into the <BODY> tag of your document. First off, if you do not know how to add the onLoad event handler into the body tag, see the below example.

<body bgcolor="#000000" BODY onLoad="openPeeker()" text="#ba55dc" link="#fff8dc" alink="#fff8dc" vlink="#fff8dc">

N ow that you are clear on howto add the onLoad handler into the body tag, the other configurations are quite simple within the <HEAD> section of your document.

I f you would click on the below link, the areas of reconfiguration will pop up in a convenient window for you to view.
Reconfigurations ]

O n a few last minute notes pertaining to the peeker window itself.

Closing The Window

1)  When using this type of "containerless" popup window, always be certain to provide a means of closing the window since IE will no longer show the usual title bar (Netscape will).
2)  Since the IE version is presented in a synthesized frameset, the more common self.close() or window.close() attached to a link may not work correctly.
Instead, try using either of the below

Form Button

<input type=button value="Close Window" onClick="javascript:top.window.close();">

<a href="javascript:top.window.close();">Close Window</a>

Close Window

T he above "Close Window" link or form button are Not put on the page the peeker window appears. It is placed on the page that the peeker window will call. In other words, when the little pop up appears, you want to see the close window link inside the pop up window.

Formatting the Look of the Popup Window

You can use all your standard formatting techniques in the page loaded into the popup window (such as the page you are viewing in this window right now). For instance, if this page uses <style> features to set the color of the scrollbar (IE5.5+ only), link behavior, borders, etc.

O n a final note. Use this effect sparingly. It can become annoying popping up every page load. Unlike our other similar effect of a "Drop In Box", which you can control how often it appears, this one will appear on every page load.
Drop In Box ]

I f you would like to add this effect to your pages, just grab the below link and you are there. If you do have any trouble with this, feel free to contact us.
Get Code Here ]

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