Flash Cards v1.9

Choose difficulty
Choose Math function


Player scoring:
0 sec
- - - - - - Highscores - - - - - -

T his is a multiple choice Math Flash card game for addition, subtraction, and multiplication. You can change the difficulty (how large the numbers get in the problem) and which math function to use. It also tracks your accuracy and response time.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6, Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.02. This script worked well in all platforms tested with variations observed in Netscape4.08. and Netscape7.02

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is an easy one part copy and paste code that is pasted into the <BODY> section of your document.

T he default script actually has no reconfigurations. Once you paste it into your document* you are ready to go.

*    We suggest that since the default takes up so much space on a page, just place this script on tha page with nothing else but the game.

W e did a little bit of reconfigurations to save space on this page. On the default, the instructions (Upper right form button) are below the flash card game on the same page. It is linked by what is called same page link anchors.* What we did was remove that part of the code and placed it on a separate page we created that will open in a new window. See the below example on the howto, including the separate java script for the pop up window with size attributes.

*    Link anchors are a way to transport you do different parts of the same page or a different page.
Link Anchors ~ Howto ]

Remove The Below Part Of Code And Paste It Into A New Page

* Anything that we will color code in orange in the below code can be eliminated. It has to do with link anchors and since you will have the instructions on a separate page, you do not require them.

<!----- Start Code Removal Here! ----->

<a name=inst></a>
<table width=490 cellpadding=10>
<tr class="sect1"><td>

Before you begin, be sure to select the difficulty setting and math function that you want.
These options are at the top of the page and can only be changed after the game has stopped.
The difficulty option shows the range of numbers that the problem can be constructed from, (0-10 means the problem can be from 0+0 to 10+10.

To start a session, click on the 'New Player' button.
Enter your name, then click on the 'Start game' button to begin answering the problems.
To answer a problem, just click on the button under the answer you want.

The game will track how many answers you get right and wrong and how long it takes you to get the correct answer (in seconds).
You can stop the game at any time by clicking on the 'Stop game' button.
This will put your current score in the Highscores area at the bottom.

To switch players, click on the 'New Player' button.
As you switch players, the previous player's score will be added to the Highscores area.

<center><input type=button value="Back to the game" onclick="window.location='#top'">*

<FONT SIZE="2" FACE="helvetica,arial,sans-serif"><FONT COLOR="A6A6A6">
Copyright © 2003 <a href=http://www.patricklewis.net>Patrick Lewis</a>. All rights reserved.<BR>
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.</FONT>


<!----- End Code Removal Here! ----->

*    You can replace the link anchor with a close window button to add a little more professionalism to the page. See below code for close window button.

<input type=button value="Close Window" onClick="javascript:top.window.close();">

T he last thing you need to do is make a reconfiguration within the "Instructions" button so instead of being a link anchor, it will now open in a new window to show the instructions. First we will show the default and then the reconfiguration.


         <td width=120><center><input type=button value="Instructions"

<tr class="sect2">


         <td width=120><center><input type=button value="Instructions"
ONCLICK="open('URL For Instructions Page You Built', 'myannouncer','toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,resizable=0,width=550,height=430')"></td>

<tr class="sect2">

I n the above reconfigured code with the java script pop up window, all the attributes other than the height and width can have either a zero (0) or a one (1). One (1) means that the specific attribute is visible and zero (0) means it is not visible. The width and height is a no-brainer. This you can set to what ever size in pixels you want the window to initially open. The above is the exact way we have ours configured.

I f you would like to add this effect into your pages, just grab the below link and you are there. If you have any problems with this, feel free to contact us.
Get Code Here ]

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