A n event handler executes a segment of a code based on certain events occurring within the application, such as onLoad or onClick. JavaScript event handers can be divided into two parts: interactive event handlers and non-interactive event handlers. An interactive event handler is the one that depends on user interaction with the form or the document. For example, onMouseOver is an interactive event handler because it depends on the user's action with the mouse. An example of a non-interactive event handler is onLoad, as it automatically executes JavaScript code without the need for user interaction. Below are all the event handlers available in JavaScript.
Event Handler | Used In |
onBlur onChange onClick onError onFocus onLoad onMouseOver onMouseOut onSelect onSubmit onUnload |
select, text, text area select, text, textarea button, checkbox, radio, link, reset, submit, area image select, text, textarea windows, image link, area link, area text, textarea form window |
f you would like to see the event handle examples and how they work, grab the below link and you are there.
Event Handler Examples ]
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