Color Picker

To read this page it is best seen with a black background.

Once you select the color from the drop down menu and the page changes to that color, click the "Convert to RGB/Hex" to see the color codes updated


RGB: Red Green Blue


Some Font Colors As They Appear Against Different Colored Backgrounds


T his is a great script for webmasters! It allows you to test your pages using different color schemes to see what works best for you. In addition to that, this script gives you both RGB and HEX codes for the respective colors you choose! Give it a try.

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.08. This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and java scripts, this is an easy, two part copy and paste code. The first part, which is the "onload event handler" which is inserted into the <BODY> tag itself and the second part is placed in the <BODY> section of your document with no reconfigurations unless you want to change the default color of the page when it first opens. The default code is set to open a white page. Hex value=#ffffff and RGB values=255, 255, 255. See the below link on howto reconfigure the default color opening on the page. If you do not know how to insert the "onload event handler into the body tag, see the below example.

Adding Of The onLoad Event Handler

<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ba55dc" link="#fff8dc" alink="#fff8dc" vlink="#fff8dc"onLoad="initializer()">

O nce this is done, it if finished and ready to go. If you would like to add this effect to your pages, just follow the below link and when the page opens, scroll down to "Color Picker" and you are there.
Get Code Here ]
Howto Reconfigure ]

Y ou can also have this great little color picker open in a convenient pop up window without all the frills. Just build the page with the script on it and use the below little code to call your pop up page with the color picker on it.
Color Picker ]

<A HREF="javascript:void(0)" ONCLICK="open('Path To Your Color Picker Page', 'myannouncer','toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,resizable=0,width=450, height=380')">
Color Picker</A>

T he above little java script is configured just the way ours opens. You can play around with the sizes, toolbar, location, and resize to suit your pages. The number 0 means no and if you substitute that with a number 1, it means yes. Take particular note of the use of the apostrophe's   '   within the script. Do not change them to a quotation mark   "   or the pop up window will NOT work!

I f you would like to add a higher lever of professionalism to the pop up, you can add the "Close Window" form button to the pop up. Just add this little bit of code to the page.

<input type=button value="Close Window" onClick="javascript:window.close();">

W e have three page builders within our site for everyone's use. We have incorporated this little pop up color picker within our page builders. If you would like to see how the color chart is very well put to use, see the below links. They will open in a new browser window for your convenience.
Page Builder ]  [ Page Builder 2 ]  [ Page Builder 3 ~ Advanced ]

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