Calendar Generator

T his generates code for an event calendar instead of having to do the tedious task of making one each month. This completely simplifies the table making involved. Just punch in your data and cut and paste the code.

Choose a month
Select days in that month
Which day does that start on
What happens on the 1st
What happens on the 2nd
What happens on the 3rd
What happens on the 4th
What happens on the 5th
What happens on the 6th
What happens on the 7th
What happens on the 8th
What happens on the 9th
What happens on the 10th
What happens on the 11th
What happens on the 12th
What happens on the 13th
What happens on the 14th
What happens on the 15th
What happens on the 16th
What happens on the 17th
What happens on the 18th
What happens on the 19th
What happens on the 20th
What happens on the 21st
What happens on the 22nd
What happens on the 23th
What happens on the 24th
What happens on the 25th
What happens on the 26th
What happens on the 27th
What happens on the 28th
What happens on the 29th
What happens on the 30th
What happens on the 31st
The Year Is:

HTML Script Tester ]    [ Sample Calendar ]

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.0. This script worked well in all platforms with a slight variation in Netscape4.08.

1)      The highlight all button does not function in Netscape4.08. Everything else within the script has no variations.

T he colors on the sample calendar are those generated by the script. All you need to do is reconfigure the colors if you want to blend in with the look of your pages.

Y ou can either use this generator and make your own calendar or if you would like this effect on your pages, just follow the below link and grab the code. It is a two part, actually no reconfigurations that is placed in the <HEAD> and <BODY> section of your document.
Get Code Here ]

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