Instant AIM Message To AOL Users

Scroll down for the instructions, any reconfigurations and the code.

You must have AIM running for this to work.
ScreenName to Send to:

T his a a very cool effect to add to your page if you and your friends are on AOL. You can send them an instant message. But to to this you do have to have AIM running to do it. This, depending on your knowledge of HTML and Java scripts is quite an easy effect to add to your page. It is a two part code that is pasted into the <HEAD> section and the <BODY> section. There are actually no reconfigurations within this script unless you would like to change the size of the "Texterea Box". Reconfiguration can be found in the <BODY> section of the script. You can see an example of that below. If you have any trouble with this feel free to contact us.
Get Code Here ]

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6 and Netscape4.08. This script worked well in all platforms tested with no variations observed.


<textarea name="txtMessage" rows="5" cols="32" wrap="virtual">
Just Enter Your Message Here!</textarea><br>

Our Reconfigurations

<textarea name="txtMessage" rows="7" cols="55" wrap="virtual">
Just Enter Your Message Here!</textarea><br>

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