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The evolution of my poetry stems mainly from phrases that I heard or thought or from feelings I saw or felt. I have so many poems now, that I cannot keep up with all the evolutions, so I have here the ones for my favorite poems of mine. If you would like to inquire as to how I got an idea for another one, you can e-mail me.

ageless beauty : I was in English and this phrase just came to me. I like how this came out because she is talking about how much she wants this person to come along and criticize, when she is the voice she has been waiting for. (March 25, 1999)

alive: This pertains to me very much. In high school I was totally in love with this really hot guy, aren't they all??? Anyway, I was so in love with him, I memorized his phone number and drove by his house, I was obsessed. Then something happened on this school trip, and I saw he wasn't really the great guy I painted him out to be in my head. I saw how much my obsession consumed me, it was eating me alive... (Late 1997)

apologyandapathy: I originally got this idea from my niece, who is always apologizing for everything. There is irony in this poem. Apathy is not caring, to be apathetic means to not care either way. The author is saying she doesn’t care, yet her heart is ripping out, and she is bleeding, so clearly she does care. (Feb. 1999)

dangerous scents: The title appeared first to me. Then the theme, a person so in love with the wrong person that they cannot get out of it, and they know they are going to get hurt. (April 15, 1999)

didn'taskformuch: My parents told me they were buying a new car, and it wouldn't be mine, I was mad. I said to myself,“Self, how come I always get screwed?” I said, “Self, I don't ask for much in my life.....” (11/28/98)

exsulondes: This title is very unique. I read my friends poems and hers were so descriptive and delicious. Because it is so short, I didn’t want to title it “Sweet Anticipation” because it would be too repetitive, so I looked ‘anticipation’ in the thesaurus and got: expectation, suspension, longing and desire. I liked those words, but it was too long for a title, so I took the first two or three letters from each word and made my own word up, that means ‘sweet anticipation.’ (3/12/99)

hidden: This is an extension of “alive.” I wanted the guy, but he loved someone else. I wasn’t going to have the author kill herself, but it seemed only appropriate. (Late/Early 1997/1998)

I Cry: This has undergone a lot of change. It's the story about a woman's life, summed up in one page. It's about her finding happiness and love. I began by writing the end. I thought it would be a meadow and about beautiful things. (Late/Early 1997/1998)

itsdark: "It's dark in my head, and I'm gonna have to get over it." I heard this somewhere, a friend or something. For some reason that stuck in my illusioness head, and I wrote this poem. For this, I tried to create the mood of the piece by shaping the words to fit their meaning. This is the first poem I do this in, this style appears in: “thesinner,” and “fear.” (Jan/Feb 1999)

Majestic: I saw a deer on my home one evening. I then started getting a story in my mind. I wrote this with a deer in mind. (April 13, 1999)

room: Again, trying to find safety. If you notice around this time period I have quite a few that ramble on, like from the mind of someone who is crazy. They read very smoothly to me. (Early 1998)

Storm: I began writing this as a love story of sorts, but once I got to the part where he was comes into the room, I realized that I had already set a somber, lonely mood. The words just fell onto the page. I love how I ended it. If you read the last eight lines out loud, they rhyme in a way. (Late/Early 1997/1998)

suicidal: My sister and I were talking on the way home the other day. She is taking a psychology class, and they just discusses suicide. She told me she was worried, and that I should leave a note. I told her that I was not planning on committing suicide. Before I went to sleep that night, I thought of this and wrote it down. (March 25, 1999)

un titled: I was driving home the other day and the first two lines came to me, and I began writing it at home I thought it would be about more, but it just seemed to end, and I couldn't come up with anymore to put on it that I liked. I was going to title it Shadows, but it didn't seem fitting, so I untitled it differently. (March 1999)

the rustic gates
Information about the first Illusionist!
the definition of illusionism
the evolution of my poetry
a scroll of poem titles
naviation of non-illusionistic sites
a scroll of entertainment of a illusionistic nature
A poem by a modest friend
