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Well Well Well... who do we have here...

Let me take a few minutes to explain what I have here. These are all original poems that I wrote. Me and Only Me. So let me tell you how I categorize my poems. I chose to call them illusions. I see pictures inn my head for each poem. So I call them Illusions. I see all kinds of things in my illusions. I see emotions or objects that appear to be so real. Suffice to say that I like that reality and I try to put the pictures I see in my poetry. I try to describe and capture the images I see, and the feelings in them. I am hopefully making it clear to you what the feelings are. One common misconception among aspiring illusionists is that all illusion writing MUST be sad. This is not the case. It has to be real. If it's reel, then it's a movie, and that's not illusionism, it's fiction. Illusionism, in my sense of using the word is to paint pictures or illusions in your work. Illusionism is anything that's real. If it's real, and when you read it or see it it feels real, then it's an illusion.

There are few poets that I know that are alive right now that write Illusionally. I determine what's illusionism and what's not accorrding to my definition. I am looking for illusionness talent, writing from the heart. There are five of us that I know of right now.

There is certain advice I would give to a future illusionist: Be true to yourself and your feelings. Write from experience whenever possible, it's the only way you can write. Without experience you have potential of losing your emotion you want the reader to feel, whether it be joy, sorrow, loneliness or rage.

Now to future illusionist: One thing we must remain clear on is that not all your poetry will be illusionist. I have several poems (around 20) that I like but are not what I consider to be illusionist. My earliest writing (mainly about rainbows, animals or love) might fit into this category because children tend to be very forthcoming with emotion, feeling and description.

Finding ideas and remembering them is good. Remembering where you got the ideas for your poems or the evolution of you poems is important. I remember the evolution of most of mine.

If you think you qualify and would like a link from my page to yours or would like me to post some of your poetry you can contact me at my e-mail address which is found variously throughout my web page at the bottom of the page. Send me some samplings or your page's address and I will look at it.

the rustic gates
Information about the first Illusionist!
the evolution of my poetry
a scroll of poem titles
naviation of non-illusionistic sites
a scroll of entertainment of a illusionistic nature
A poem by a modest friend
