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It was once only a word
It had a definition but no real meaning to me
I thought I would never understand it truly
I would see my friends say it, express it
But I was an outsider,believing I would never understand
A mystery, an onmigna to me, just a word

Then one special day I was awakened
I started to understand it all at once
I thought it to be slow but I was quite wrong
It grew so fast, at first I was a little scared
This simple word became so much more
How did I live before without it, I do not know
All I know is that it is the most wonderful thing
And I am so happy, It took a hold of me

Please note that this is not Illusion's work and this poem is included on this web page, per request of author who choses to remain anonymous. Thank you. Please send any questions or comments regarding this poem, or others to the e-mail at the bottom of this page.

the rustic gates
Information about the first Illusionist!
the definition of illusionism
the evolution of my poetry
a scroll of poem titles
naviation of non-illusionistic sites
a scroll of entertainment of a illusionistic nature
