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Upcoming Events

November 4th, 2000

There will be Benefit Dance and Auction in aid of Donna Isenor (Wife of Paul Isenor who is a member of the C.B. Modelers Club) at the "Our Lady Of Fatima Hall" Dancing will begin at 9:00 p.m. and end at 1:00. Tickets are available at Racing Around, Mayflower Mall and are $5.00 each.

Past Events

August 26, 27, 2000

The club was invited to put on a display and presentation at the Sydney Kinsmen International Airshow 2000. Rod bird put on a great show with his helicopter and Mike Barry put on a fantastic aerobatic demonstration with his Ultimate.

June 17,18,19, 2000

The Margaree fun-Fly was a great succes with 46 flyers and over 65 fabulous planes. It was a very hot day but it was still lots of fun. On Saturday at about five, most of us had to a break. Some of us went back to our cabins and went swimming to cool off. We were happy to see that we had people from Ottawa and Quebec drive down just for the Fun-Fly. Most people said that it was there most favorite Fun-fly in Eastern Canada! It was pretty exciting to see some of the beautiful warbirds fly for the first time and we even had a mid-air collision!(don't worry it wasn't one of the warbirds) You can see some pictures of the planes at the Pictures page.

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