site info | faq


1. Do you know James Marsters or Nick Brendon?
No, but I wish I did.

2. Can you send something for me to James or Nick?
Er... Read question number one. No, I don't know them, therefor I can't send them anything, however you can send them whatever your little heart desires by mailing them here:

Cast Member's Name
c/o Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Warner Bros.
4000 Warner Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91522

3. Can I send you my story to read over?
Of course you can :) I'd be more than happy to read over your story for you :)

4. Can I send you my own fan art or wallpapers?
You betcha! I'd love to have fan art and papers from anyone up on here!

5. Where do the photos on this site come from?
From the wonderful people at and

6. Who are you?
I'm an 18 year old slash addict with no html knowledge :) That's who I am.

7. When do you update this site?
When I have the time, that's when. I don't have a set time that I allow myself to work on the site, I just update it whenever I can.

8. Will you link to my site?
Sure, send me a banner or button link, and where you want me to link to, and I'd be more than happy to link to you. If you don't have a banner or button, let me know, and I'll just put up a text link.

9. Can I use your site's layout?
Absoluly not. This layout, leather lust 3.0 will be up for a while, and no you may not use it. This layout was made for my site, and my site only. If you're caught stealing this layout, the Watchlist 2000 will hunt you down, as, which made the layout is registered with the Watchlist, making everything that she owns copyrighted.
design by ptp