
***Everything related to BtVS or Angel: The Series is owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy Productions, FOX, Kuzui, and their partners.

***I unfortunatly do not own them, if I did.. I wouldn't be sharing them with you, now would I? Spike and Xander are on here just for my entertainment, so I can see them do naughty things with eachother.

***All artwork and fanfictions are not implying ownership, they are here for entertainment. Artwork and fanfictions are not mine, they are copyrighted by their owners, I'm just hosting them here.

***In other words.. They aren't mine.. I admit it... don't come after me attempting to sue.. because I'm broke enough as it is with college loans.

NO ONE is to take this layout, This is for Eternally Yours... use ONLY. The design, which is made by pt-p.net made this for my site only and is owned by pt-p.net and Eteranlly Yours. If you're caught stealing any designs made by pt-p, you will be reported to the Watchlist 2000, as any and all designs made are copyrighted, and the Watchlist has records of this.

This webpage contains Slash: Art and stories about same sex romances/interactions between the characters of BtVS and AtS. If you are under the age of 18 or are offended by the thought of two boys getting their groove on, then I suggest you leave :) Otherwise... Enjoy!

Also, thank you to spikespotting.com and nicholas-brendon.com for the use of their images.

Thanks to IMDb for the use of their quotes.
design by ptp