Please bare with us as we are going thru a transitional phase and relocation.... UPDATES to follow
Welcome to "AnFarra" Farms.......
Thank you for visiting our website to view our Morgans and registered Curly Horses.
Having enjoyed the Morgan breed for over two decades now, we are always fine tuning our breeding program for quality.
~~~~~~ We breed for a "Companion" Morgan......~~~~~~
With emphasis for their people loving ways, calm, accepting, sensiable and willing manner with athletic performance abilities for competition, and breath taking beauty to take pride in.
To be genuinely enjoyed to the point where they become a much beloved family member.
We were one of the very first breeders in Canada to appreciate and promote the "Coloured" Morgans, being amongst the first Morgan breeders to promote a palomino stallion.
He established the foundation of our colourful quality Morgans, and set our course for breeding classy, people-orientated rarer coloured Morgans.
As serious breeders ever reaching for excellence, using our Quality foundation, we have selectively gone forward adding imports of world champion breeding and rarer colours to our barn, including palomino, buckskin, grey, silver dapple and dun.
Our newest endevour to our Morgan program are our.... GAITED MORGANS
We believe we are the first Canadian Morgan breeders to specifically promote/breed for the smooth gaited Morgans for the ultimate pleasure trial riding Morgan.
Smokey Grulla Dun stallion"Revere"
is one of our pride and joys, as his pedigree is quality and his colour simply stunning.
Our spectrum of talent and Morgan "type" is here for you to enjoy, and we proudly showcase the beauty and characters of our "AnFarra" bred horses.**
Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
We encourage interest in our Curly horses for those with allergies, as the Curly Horse breed has proven to be tolerated in testing by over 95% of people with allergies to horses.
One of our "AnFarra" homebred double registered part Morgan/Curly colts....all the traits of a Morgan and HYPO-ALLERGENIC, with his curly coat....which allows allergy-sufferers to enjoy the pleasure of horse ownership.
Along with our imported, very rare, gaited, palomino spotted and medicine-hat marked, CURLY homozygous stallion, " RCR Sharp Dressed Man "
****Transportation of any horses sold is done by ourselves or is easily arranged Canada wide.******
With our indoor viewing area, anytime is a good time to drop by for a visit, no matter the weather to view our horses.
The view we and our horses enjoy is worth the drive alone, to our 102 acre waterfront farm on Rice Lake.
Enjoy looking at all of our pictures....... more pictures will appear as time goes on, please come back often, and if you have any questions regarding our stallions, mares,or horses and other livestock for sale, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone. 705 939 1999
We are very easy to find, 15 minutes directly north of the 401 at Port Hope, by Bailieboro, Ontario Canada, north shores of Rice Lake.
AnFarra Stallions
AnFarra Mares
AnFarra North American Curlies
AnFarra Livestock, Mini Cows, Gotland Sheep
AnFarra sales
Gaited Morgans and Curly horses