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Porcupine Medicine

Medicine, from a Native American perspective, is anything that deepens our connection with Great Spirit and All Of Our Relations. Each animal has been gifted with a specific "medicine". Animals "live" their medicine in the manner in which they live their lives. This knowledge may be shared by taking the time to observe each animal as he goes about his daily routine.

As two-leggeds, we bring about healing in our lives when we study the medicine of the animals around us. They teach us lessons that we cannot learn elsewhere ... they bring us into harmony with Mother Earth and All Of Our Relations. Animal medicine comes to us in two ways - we can pay attention to the animals that come into our lives, we can watch them, we can converse with them, asking what lessons they have for us, or we can "call" the medicine of a specific animal to us for guidance and/or healing. Each of us has animals that are with us throughout this lifetime, that will act as guides on our spiritual journey.

The medicine of Porcupine is that of innocence. Porcupine takes his place in the position of South on the medicine wheel - the place where we connect with our "child selves". The keywords for Porcupine are faith and trust.

We need to hold the belief that there is a "master plan", and that as reflections of Great Spirit, we are here to find our paths in this lifetime. We are here to discover and develop our abilities ... to use our personal resources for the benefit of mankind.

The message of Porcupine is that of humbleness - of respecting and honoring life by having the willingness to greet each new day with awe and reverance, and being willing to reach out and accept the opportunities given us to become part of the wonderful adventures around us. The quills of Porcupine come out only when faith and trust have been set aside.

Be willing to set aside the "seriousness" of life and become open to the worlds that live within your imagination.

Thank you for visiting me - may your day be Blessed.

Mitakuye Oyasin - For All Of My Relations.


Sams, Jami and Carson, David "Medicine Cards", Bear & Company, 1988

(c) April 2002
Bonnie Cehovet

Personal Lifestyle Reading - I offer a Personal Lifestyle Reading using Tarot that looks at past, present and future influences in your life, at the energies that are currently available to help you along your path, and at those energies that are appearing as challanges. My goal is to offer you insight into your decision making process, as well as tools that you can use to both better understand your path and make conscious, choice centered decisions.

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