The Fashion Plate for dolls, Vol. 1, No. 1

What’s New

The day has finally arrived! The Premiere Issue of "The Fashion Plate" begins at last. I was beginning to wonder if this day would ever come. Between "Murphy’s Law" and "the best laid plans of mice and men" there were more than enough obstacles, but we doll people are tenacious, right? Who can doubt that when you are at a doll show and depart victorious in your quest for a particular doll you’ve been scouting for months!

I’m thrilled to have a new MFB logo (shown above and on the welcome page) designed by a friend who is a retired commercial artist. He also leant a hand in laying out the pattern for "Billows" using a computer program.

Just a few words about regular features in The Fashion Plate. I think it will be fun to reminisce about the early days of designing and sewing for dolls, so "Nostalgia" will be a regular section for awhile. Several subscribers from the old days have come on board and I hope to be able to share some of their experiences with you. All are invited to contribute.

"Keeping you in stitches" will bring you tips of all kinds—organizing fabrics and patterns, pattern layout, sewing techniques, tools, display ideas and sources for supplies and accessories, selling your items, and more.

Catalog updates will also be included. Illustrations of new "On the Runway…" patterns and "From the Archives" reprints will allow you to choose patterns for the particular doll you sew for. This decision is based on the results of a recent survey of the broad interest in various dolls. Rather than include patterns for a particular doll which may only be of interest to some, it seemed more practical to make this a newsletter/catalog-style format focusing on information and helps. This also keeps the size and costs down. Subscription rate will be kept low to offset printing and postage. Some articles from the early issues will be posted here on the website. I welcome your feedback and any suggestions.

[NOTE ADDED: Publishing of The Fashion Plate has been temporarily suspended after the car accident. Will post an update when things get caught up.]

"Reader’s Corner" will bring news on what some of you are doing. It will be your opportunity to share photos and projects!

The final section is "Classified Ads" where you can sell, trade or seek wanted items.


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