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Welcome to Friendship Pages

This site has a collection of fun and inspirational pages to share with your friends and sweet sentiments to send your sweetie. Share a smile, some humour and all of your love. Send a page to someone today.

Brand New Look

Friendship Pages has a brand new look! Peruse the pages and you will find all the same favorite content and some brand new updated pages. For example, "Too much of the 90s has been removed and current pages including, "Facebook Addict" have been added. This site began in the late 90s as "Friendship Pages by Hey You". I have always written my own code for every page. Things have changed drastically since the site began. I have really enjoyed learning how to use stylesheet (CSS) and updating the website. I view all these new changes as an adventure.
~I Learn something new everyday.~

New Bookstore for Friendship Pages

The New Online Bookstore, "Hot Fudge Family Books" is now available! All items are family friendly and have been handpicked for the store. We carry wholesome family DVDs, bibles and books for all ages. We also carry over 100 music titles arranged in alphabetical order within each category. There's even a special section for Homeschool families. This section has everything from general homeschool books and curriculum to books for beginning readers and budding scientists. Please click on the link and have a look at the store. We will be continually adding titles to all categories of the store as they become available.

New Blog

There is a new "Friendship Pages" blog in the works. A link will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

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Public Domain

Many of the pages have originated from great email forwards and/or originals written by family and friends. To the best of my knowledge, the information posted on this website is public domain/author unknown or the author has given permission to post. (if noted) If you see any content here that is not public domain, please email the webmaster.