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-- This is page 3.----GLOBAL SYSTEMS With standard swap batteries and exchange stations interfacing with all electric vehicles.

How we cut our oil need by more than 50%within the next five years , then 80% within the next ten.First,let us have all the countries' Departments of transport and environment protection convene to set standards for electric vehicle swap-battery sizes and voltage also exchange stations which interface with all vehicles to permit an efficient simple inexpensive desirable concept providing no more than a minute or two to replenish electric power to propel the vehicles the same distance present gas autos can attain today at the pump. The exchange stations could be in place in a few years either gradually substituting the 'islands'at present gas stations or setting up new stations all together. There is no need, and we must make sure the oil monopolies do not grab this new infrastructure. The present high prices is a clue that the're planning just that, and all governments must stop them before they modify our present demcracies and substitute them with gangster oligarchies. The next steps, in conjunction with the batteries and exchange stations, are the adaptation of all new vehicles on the planet and conform their designs to adapt automatically to the exchange towers thus permiting a standard simple procedure rather than like today every one going their own way increasing the costs and inconvenience.At a later date (20years or so)we reconvene for new standards if need be to provide then new improved concepts to conform to ever newer standards.

Meanwhile as power groups are trying to get their man in, here's a suggestion to put Ralph Nader as a stand-in, pro-tem,interim, president for four years to fill a void and also to permit him to proove his point about stopping the manipulators and all others seeking their selfish interests. Instead he can then do like JFK with his space program, set future objectives and goals.In other words while protecting our children's future(the environment)Ralph Nader is right in taking the power from the corporate elite and returning it to the people and while doing so giving them a bigger piece of the pie and for example preventing a grab by the same ones who are soaking you at the pump only to run with this new infrastucture later cited here, have them, our representatives,aim to establish new global concepts with participation providing all globally with new oportunities . TELL THEM, LET'S ALL START MOVING TOGETHER WITH NEW IDEAS FOR TOMORROW.Such as the global energy system in page 10 below,the global EV standard battery exchange stations in page 3 3a and 3b, the global high speed transport in page 4 and 4a,the global user-owned telecommunication systems in page 6. Many other concepts such as unclogging N.Y.C.traffic, changing air transportation completely, marine shipping, and many other concepts could be disclosed... on prime time ,simultaneously and live, in all countries, and to the dismay of the same greedy ones who want it all.. Have them contact me at e-mail address above so that we can get thigs going.See my resume and some of my past work experience in page 1a. More to come...Also to continue this page 3, go into3a and 3bor click at the bottom index.

P.S. Here's a link ,author unknown till now, stating that GM killed the EV1.(click)I'll bet you it won't be for long.It's a distraction to permit a few to establish an infrastucture with battery swap stations through a transition at regular gas stations progressively replacing the gas pump 'islands' with battery exchange towers in which the batteries are progressively being recharged while following a flow path being readied for all incoming vehicles at those stations. (cont)

(Sept.30,2000)Approximately a century ago, H.G.Wells author of 'the time machine' was trying, as I see it, to hint the masses 'eloi' through his book how they could be made to be submissive if they don't keep their guard up against the marauders 'morlocks'who would devour them in the night. He was way off in his timing ..attempts are being made now. Marx tried his scheme..Communism....that failed.The 'money men'thru corporate oligarchies among others are trying new methods over riding the will of the people to absorb most of the power by draining the fruits of our labors with higher prices thru monopolies and eventually total control and submission.Until the people put pressure to have our representatives, rather than try winning popularity contests, promise once elected do the peoples'wish(or be recalled) like bust monopolies,disband all groups, associations, organizations and the like who exist mainly for their selfish interests...if not chances are H.G.Wells predictions (he knew)may come true.Meanwhile here's how we can take on 'big oil' and other greedy fascistic minded gangsters. People of the world...unite and fight back! Here's one way which would also protect the planet and our future. Make those running for office insist on,as shown,provide us with this new infrastructure using electric vehicles and simple one minute'standard battery'exchange stations for those electric cars that would interface with all of them globally. I.E. all countries participate and also cash in on this new venture. Fuel cells, hybrids,etc,are costly and are only going to delay the possibility soon after to permit these same vehicles move into the global high speed transport system concept in pages 4 and 4a ,also propelling these vehicles for global long distance travel. (Cont.)

(Oct,2nd,2000)The New York Times is reading my web page.Just a few days ago,below I mentioned how far the Solectria EV car went(Boston to NYC) on one electric charge.So now, an article by B.J.Feder in the NY Times Oct.2 business section page 1, probably hinting a game of 'one-upsmanship' by pointing out that a Honda Insight with batteries stacked in the trunk and back seat space will ride a 600 mile journey from New York to Michigan to impress the auto industry.Why not tow a trailer loaded with batteries and go across the whole continent on one charge. None of that prooves anything if one still has to wait several hours to replenish new power. The concept in this page provides all future electric car owners with the same convenience as present gas operated cars to replenish even faster the energy required to go approximately the same distance they do with gas powered vehicles while weighing even less than the gas powered cars.The simplicity of the EV cars having only an electric motor in each wheel,a four wheel drive by the way, and cavities front and rear to receive the batteries including, should AC power prove for different reasons a better choice ,a DC to AC converter can be incorporated permanently within the vehicle. As shown in this concept,see image No.1 below and in page 3a (cont.)

------ELECTRIC VEHICLES ARE COMING-------One..'SOLECTRIA'went from Boston To New York City ,240 miles ,on one charge and kept on with traffic.The cost of battery electric fuel today (9/30/00)is five times less than gas.The price of the car would be half the cost as the one shown (see index 3a.html).But only after we lock in on a universal "quick swap battery" infrastucture can we really roll..

. This page shows many recent patents with info pertaining to battery exchange stations to replaced the spent one(s).Many more can be searched.But a cooperate effort is required to provide quick, convenient(no wait), and inexpensive 'refueling' with a global standard size and voltage battery that fits all vehicles.

"THE STREET RAG" Let's stop "Big Oil" HERE'S HOW...But first, the unwarranted high prices we are witnessing at present are for this one reason and this one alone.They and other greedy monopolists want to grab and control this new EV(Electric Vehicle)infrastructure (below) before the rest of us can participate and then exploit us once more. Let's stop them dead in their tracks.By lying to all of us about a shortage it gives them the excuse they need and want all of us to believe so they can raise the cash in a hurry to establish this concept globally only to 'soak' us again later with high prices to access the exchange batteries.

The simplicity of the vehicle construction for half the price we pay today, the standardization of the batteries ,the low cost of energy in the future (click index10.html at bottom of this page),the simple exchange storage towers and recycling of the expired batteries could all reduce our costs by at least half of what we spend also on our transportation usage today.


The lower sketch in the image above depicts a typical highway battery exchange station which would permit ,like the autos of today , the same quick and convenient refueling in even less time than the present gas stations presently using gas pumps attendants. Those exchange stations would be entirely automatic. With a minimum amount of space also shown above, buses , semi-trailers, trucks, vans and autos each requiring various quantities depending on the range to be attained but all using the same batteries (of the same size and voltage)but like the various gas choices today,have various contents at different stations to suit one's preferences and in a minute or two be on their way again and repeat the same refuel sequence elsewhere again and again.

The 4 photos above are existing prototype electric cars.See www.evac.ca in heavy print above to access them for more data.The first is Chrysler,then Chevrolet,Honda and a Ford. Beautiful cars but you can't go far (150 miles)without having to wait hours while recharging them.Instead as you may notice the pictures were altered showing substantial a squre meter by 25cm high cavities in the front (and rear)to permit a quick insertion and extraction of a globally accepted (see below)standard battery also using but one voltage.The content may vary, providing various brand choices,but like present gas stations we'll have that option to choose and 'refuel'in a minute. More info on 'THE FINAL CHOICE' battery will be added to these pages later. AS we see below,many patented concepts exist also leading in that direction. As further transitions will occur even highway swap stations can at a higher rate volume provide us with whatever quick replacement energy the world would need in any country. For the source of that energy requirement see (Global solar energy sytem in (index 10.html)at the bottom of this page).Even buses, truck, vans,(Hit page 2a below) and autos can using all the same batteries (quantities vary )stop for a quick 'refueling' and are on their way again.The simplicity of these new vehicles having motors within the wheel itself and being the only moving part with no gear trains or any other components makes the vehicles much lighter even with the inclusion of the batteries.(cont.)

These towers above,left,which permit the batteries to flow through them while being recharged are relatively simpler and smaller than those shown above for highway stations including vans and semis side loading methods also.(see index3a.html) In the perspective view above the EV car driver inserts a credit card or cash into a collector, then drives onto a turntable, butts against the tower ,the front battery is extracted to the 2nd stack at the rear and which once checked for possible rechargeability and remaining energy which is credited to user. (another way to pay for the energy is to bill customers monthly for mileage driven -- to be elaborated on later)the battery is then simultaneously raised one level while the front stack is lowered proportionately,then permitting also a transfer at the top of the stack from rear to front as well as a new insertion at the bottom into the front of the vehicle. The car is then rotated 180 degrees and the same extraction and insertion is repeated in the rear. Then the vehicle drives off for another 500 mile range where within a minute the sequence is repeated then at the next swap station and so on and on.A 'solectria EV' car using nickle metal hydride batteries occuping no more space than one of these batteries went from Boston to New York on one charge which equals about 250 miles.Note: The third stack shown in the sketch above is for batteries no longer rechargeable.Every battery is tested for that purpose at the start of the recharging process. If rejected it is transferred to the 3rd'service' stack at the far rear as shown above and when ,progressively, the vacant 'slot' in the 2nd stack reaches the level of the top of the 3rd, a new battery is inserted in theempty spot. As required a service truck with brand new batteries replenish the third stack with new ones and return the the old ones to the factory to be totally recycled.I.E. slice them open, reove the ingredients and reprocess them to for manufacturing new ones ,thus reducing the cost of materials and conserving the planets resources in the process. (cont.)


Here's one of many patents describing battery swapping for electric vehicles.One step in the right direction ,he (the inventor) has mounted his battery at the end of the vehicle, but (cont.)


These batteries, swapped from the side of the vehicle by the way, will occupy a huge storage system(Cont.)


This is a more recent patent by the same inventor above and elaborates on his previous(Cont.)






Here also(Cont.)










The above patents are but a few ideas relating to EV battery exchange methods.The following material illustrates how we can create a different, simple and global infrastructure using one standard size and voltage battery interchangeable everywhere.

Here's another party, Prof. John McCarthy of Washington University who now also agrees with such a battery swap concept as mentioned in page 3a below. Here's his text- -http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/progress/batteryswap.html - it needs much more simplifying and refining yet in order to be acceptable for all conditions. Being an automation designer for 40 yrs(see my resume in index1a) a perception in interfacing the vehicle, the batteries, and exchange stations can be visualized in a much simpler manner than also shown in the patents above

click here


click here

Please note...to continue this $30 trillion dollar adventure into the future... (index3a.html)

click here, Page 3a

Click here for INDEX TABLE

Many more will be presented .It's time the auto and oil industries get ready to move into this new age lest they be left behind.(Cont.)