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(IMAGE NO.22b.)This is a digital camera which also accepts floppy discs.You snap the picture and it's immediately transferred right on to the disc without the need of a scanner....Neat, isn't it? So one day in early June 99 at an office supply store on 6th avenue this young man asked me "What would be a good idea for a product." So I pointed the Sony Mavica camera (now June 2001--$500.00) at him and said "This can be in the hundreds of millions of dollars should it be mounted on a support typical to an overhead projector including adjustable lighting affixed to or near the structure or column supporting the digital camera. Include a coin box like those on their present copiers and your in business." A few days before,I had suggested it to a competitor on Broadway, one block over, that had just opened for business. Oddly enough , I had copies of items on one of my floppy disc printed out thru their computer setup. The price...? six cents each, including tax. That's when the idea came to me for the above. A few days later at the first supply store I also made the suggestion once more to a regional manager visiting there and who claimed working for Hewlett-Packard. I told him with every kid in school accessing computors as all others globally and having free access to this equipment in school ,with no more the need to carry text books maybe, and with every gas station,shopping mall, Mom and Pop store having the cameras substituting scanning equipment ,and like copy machines today ,provide for a nickel or a dime the means to photo or copy right onto discs which are very inexpensive,this is a business that's ready to go and opens up whole new possibilities.(cont.)

(IMAGE NO.23.)This is a printer which accepts floppy discs to provide photos. It's a Sony product. Rather than requiring the use of a computer just run them thru the printer. You insert your floppy disc into the unit, select one image on the disc and out comes a photocopy.Sony or other companies could also design their product to permit letter size copies be made also(cont.)

(IMAGE NO.24.)These units(1,2,3)are seperate packages that can be provided in different numbers depending on the needs.They could be, as suggested in Image 22,placed in copy centers, local convenient stores,in every schools, libraries,etc not only here but globally. By packaging them as shown they provide (See Unit 1)with the digital camera (Example 'Sony' mvc-fd 88, mounted on top with lighting,both adjustable and the material to be photoed (scanned) positioned facing the camera all images could be entered in seconds at the price of copiers (5 cents) in schools and libraries, maybe free.The mere fact that such a low cost for the floppy disks and the service infrastructure would be available on such a large scale, areas unexplored yet such as businesses records,salesmen,agents etc. etc.the prevalence of these units located everywhere and their sales could be huge.We can also consider the use of'clik cards' or 'cd and zip disks'to provide even more possible flexibility. To proceed on(the Unit no.2)the following for the same kind of fee could provide means to extract from any 'floppy'it's info and copy it and/or enlarge it as suited by the user such as with a typical 'sony'fvp1 printer or the like. The last (Unit no.3)one provides the means with a monitor to alter the disks such as deleting images or texts changing titles and also for viewing. Provisions can also be incorporated to permit transferring images from digital cameras to a 'floppy','cd','zip disk' etc. for later uses.Money receptacles like at existing copy centers can be incorporated in every units including change makers .Also provisions for credit card insertions can also be included. The possibilities are in billion$ for copier companies computer companies and many others interested globally. Interested ??? Let's go... Contact me! NOTE: For more info click on page 1 just below, once in, scan down and read ITEM 12.

STOPPING CABBIE HOLD UPS Back in 1995 I was passing out the info shown below to cab drivers whenever I had a chance to do so. .

This description is also in (ITEM 13) 'index1.html' but without the sketch drawings.The title THE STREET RAG is a publication in which many of the previous ideas presented in it have now been entered into my web page. Eventually many more will be, hopefully ,in an animated form will be presented also. Millions of them .

This birdhouse can be installed and marketed anywhere in the world and for all ages. (cont).

--BELOW--This conversion kit could adapt to most hand trucks and help propel it for hills , mounting sidewalks and many other conditions to help the user(cont).

Please note --- The following pages 3, 3a,and 3b are about an EV electric vehicles infrastructure. Also using standard batteries and quick exchange stations, globally. That's the reason why the BIG OIL industry has been scalping us at the fuel pumps recently.They want to raise lots of cash to monopolize on it before others can participate in this new 30 trillion dollar adventure.

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