Partners: The Wrong Corpse

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PARTNERS: THE WRONG CORPSE Genre: Torrid Romance Suspense/Mystery
EBook formats ISBN: 978-1-60313-501-6
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-60313-502-3
Rating: Erotic Romance- Explicit

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Twelve years ago Frankie Barker and Johanna Obrien became partners, then lovers, on the Philadelphia Police Force. After two years, the women were tired of city living. They quit the force and moved to Charlestown, Pennsylvania, where they built a log home and hung out their shingle as private investigators.

Frankie and Johanna take a case they feel will be a cinch to solve, before embarking on a much-needed vacation. But the case turns out to be much more than they bargained for!

Graham McHenry hires Frankie and Johanna to follow his beautiful, much younger wife Cassandra, whom he believes is having an affair. They find the information their client is seeking, but the next morning they learn the woman has been murdered. The time of death places Cassandra at a motel, at the same time they had been following her to her mansion. Now McHenry wants to know who killed his wife, and Frankie and Johanna are determined to find out who they were following!

Excerpt From Chapter 1

Frankie glanced up at the skylight. She smiled. It had been her idea to have it centered directly above the king-sized bed. She sighed contentedly. The day had dawned bright and clear, a perfect summer’s day. She hoped that the steady downpour of the previous night had swept away the oppressive heat and humidity which had enveloped the city for the past week. Last night the stormy weather had made for a cozy romantic night spent in bed, making love for hours, with the love of her life.

She stretched lazily, turned her head and stole a brief glance at the alarm clock, which sat on the nightstand. Ten more minutes until it would go off. She rolled onto her side facing Johanna, her partner, who slept peacefully curled up in a fetal position. Frankie gently touched her shoulder. “Hey, sleepyhead, time to get up,” she whispered close to Johanna’s ear.

Johanna opened her eyes slowly. She flashed Frankie a smile. “Is it Saturday yet?”

Frankie laughed. “No, but why should that matter? The last two cases we were on the clock seven days a week.”

She made a face. “Don’t remind me.”

Frankie ran her fingers through Johanna’s long auburn hair. “I missed you so much,” she whispered.

“These past two days with you have been heaven.” She planted a quick kiss on Frankie’s cheek before sliding off of the bed. “I love lying in bed all day with you, but we’ve got to pay the bills. I’m going to grab a shower.”

Frankie waited until she heard the water come on in the shower, then got out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. She pulled back the end of the shower curtain, stepped inside, put her arms around Johanna, and kissed the back of her neck. “I’ll wash your back,” she murmured.

Frankie lathered some soap in her hands and slowly massaged it across Johanna’s slender, but firm shoulders, then down her strong back. When she reached Johanna’s ass, she took her time running her hands over the perfectly rounded cheeks and then ran a fingertip in the crack. Johanna’s sharp intake of breath aroused her.

“Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish,” she warned in a throaty voice.

“Oh, I intend to finish what I hope I’m starting,” she said softly as she removed her fingertip and brought her arms around Johanna as her hands cupped Johanna’s large breasts. “Ah, your nipples are already hard.”

“Just being near you makes me hot.” Johanna leaned her head back. “Oh, that feels good.” She grabbed one of Frankie’s hands and placed it on her throbbing vagina.

“What do you want?” Frankie whispered hoarsely. “Tell me, baby.”

“You’d better fuck me now or you’ll be walking to work.”

* * * *

An hour later they sat in their moderately sized office at their desks, which were angled to face each other, but afforded them ample space between. The rest of the office consisted of six filing cabinets, a long counter, which held the printer, fax machine, and various office supplies. A small artificial tree stood in one corner. The off-white walls were accented with a few pieces of modern art, which blended well with the modern furniture. Two small windows with Barker and Obrien Investigations stenciled on them were situated on either side of the thick door. The office also contained a small bathroom and a storage room. The women especially loved the back entrance, which led to their own small private parking area. An accountant had occupied the office that was situated in the middle of a busy strip mall with a coffee shop and hair salon on either side. When the former tenant retired, Johanna and Frankie had jumped on the location, moving out of the cramped quarters they’d occupied upstairs of a luncheonette.

“My car won’t be ready for at least another day. They’re having a problem getting a part,” Frankie grumbled as she hung up the phone. “It’s a good thing it didn’t conk out before you got home or I would have had to rent something.”

“I told you to trade in your old Chevy for a new one. I know you and that old car have been together a long time, but come on, babe, give the old girl a rest. Twenty years is a long time.” Johanna smiled mischievously. “I might be persuaded to keep giving you a ride to work until your car’s ready. But it’s going to cost you.”

Frankie wadded a piece of paper and threw it in her direction. The paper sailed past Johanna. “Wise ass!” She got up and bent over to pick it up.

“Nice ass,” Johanna said, turning her head.

“Oh, if we weren’t at work I’d show you just how nice it is,” she shot back.

“Wasn’t it only an hour or so ago that it was pressed up tight against me?” Johanna ran her tongue seductively over her full lips.

Frankie grinned as she walked back to her desk and sat in her chair. “God, woman, we’d better not get another case that keeps us apart for a week. You’re a nympho!”

“Look who’s talking!” She smiled. “But I have to admit, it was pure hell being away from you, too. I don’t think I could have stood another night. It’s a good thing I brought my vibrator with me.” She seductively lifted an eyebrow.

“Mmmm. You loved the phone sex. Your panting and moaning drove me crazy and I was tempted to say the hell with everything and jump in my car and come to you.”

“I wish you could have, but face it, that wreck wouldn’t have gotten you far.” She grinned. “Your sensual voice over the phone is the next best thing to you in the flesh, which is always on the top of my list.”

Before Frankie could reply, the office door opened abruptly and a well-dressed man entered. His eyes glanced, for a moment, around the room before settling on them as he made his way to the space between their desks. “I’m looking for Francine Barker and Johanna Obrien.”

“You’ve found us,” Johanna said, rising. “I’m Johanna Obrien and this is my partner Francine Barker. How may we help you Mr.—”


Frankie stood up and walked over to Johanna’s desk.

He eyed her as he cleared his throat. “I have reason to believe that my wife is having an affair. I’d like her followed. I’m assuming you do that kind of thing.” His tone was matter-of-fact and to the point.


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