The official Mutant Crew (Flight 2: Able Squad, New Ronin Warrior, and The Crew) fiction webpage
    Welcome to my little place on the net for my Mutant Crew stories.  For starters, the Mutant Crew is a group of teenagers who are friends who have had powers bestowed upon them from birth and who fight for what is right in the world (Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee is co. Marvel Comics).  Everyone mentioned in these stories, with the exception of Jubilee and Alex, are real people who are my friends (for those who haven't figured it out yet, I'm Alex... err... Alex is me... err.... you get the point).  I started writing for this series after having a very vivid dream one night..... I only had half the dream, hence the first half of the story... the second half I added on.  I wrote many stories for this series, crossing it with the stories for my 'New Ronin Warrior' and 'Flight 2: Able Squad' stories (fanfiction for Exo-Squad and Ronin Warriors) and eventually turning it into my Sailor Moon N/W series.
    As for the stories for the other series, I will post them as I tranfer them to HTML and add some of my author notes for each story I post.  I will also post my stories for 'The Crew' which is just some stories I wrote which were comical with my friends from Newport and Nashua as characters. *waves to all his friends*.  Enjoy the stories.

(all stories are copywrite Bill Patten)

The Mutant Crew: Treasure Trouble
This is the first story that I wrote concerning the Mutant Crew.  I wrote this way back in 1995 after having a very interesting dream.  Unfortunately the dream ended at the point where Alex and Jubilee (if you haven't figured it out already, Alex is yours truely, the author of the stories) flew over the lake while the others swam.  I would like to say hello to everyone who's in the story (yup, you guessed it.... everyone in the story, except for Jubilee, are real people).  Journey with this group of friends as they search for a magical treasure which could cause the end of the world.

The Mutant Crew: Vacation Adventures
The second story from the series (if you can call it that).  Yet another dream I translated into a story (I have really strange dreams, don't I??) Don't ask me why Kruger keeps showing up 'cause I don't know (this WAS written back in 1995 after all).  The Mutant Crew goes on vacation and trouble springs up where ever they go.

The Mutant Crew: Movie Maddness
The third story which concerned the Mutant Crew.  Also written in 1995 and another translated dream.  I know I dream strange things, but this one was NUTS!!!!  How will Alex and his friends get out of the TV???  Stay tuned and find out.

The Mutant Crew: Mansion Mayhem
Yet another failed attempt to go on vacation as Alex and most of the crew hang at their friend Rick's house and 3 of their members journey to France.  Oh no, where is that magic key that Alex uses to transform into his body armor??  Stay tuned and find out.

The Mutant Crew: Psychic Friend's Network
School is over and the crew might be broken up by forces beyond their control.  Alex has a series of dreams that reveal his connection to his friends and their connection to him (based on a series of dreams I had one week.... some attacks are from EARTHBOUND, which was my favorite video game at that point in time).  There is a new evil coming, and they're out to destroy Alex since he houses the power of the Phoenix.  Guest appearance by Cyril (someone from France who I met at a party).  Stay tuned to see how they win this fight.

The Mutant Crew: Crystal Lake Concert Chaos
It's time for the annual POPS concert and this year it's been moved to Camp Crystal Lake (from the Friday the 13th movies).  There is a lot of strange stuff going down and the Mutant Crew ends up being called into action to save the day.  (the spells used in here are from Earthbound and Secret of Mana.... 2 of my favorite SNES games).  What happens to the Mutant Crew and to Jason??  Stay tuned and I'll show you.

The Mutant Crew: The Evil Witch of the Band
An evil Negaverse monster takes over for Mrs. Hoke (the band director at my high school) and drains the energy of the students.  Alex contacts Luna in the future in hopes of getting some help, and it comes in the form of 3 transformation wands, a ring, and a pendant.  Five of the male members of the Mutant Crew transform into Sailor Soldiers and help to kick butt.  (If you're confused as to when the Mutant Crew gets in touch with the Sailor Soldiers in the future, you have a right to be.... I haven't posted those stories yet.)  Stay tuned and see what happens to everyone (First story where Lizz Newton isn't just a walk on role).

The Mutant Crew: Jumping Gemini....
    The Negaverse has cooked up a new plan using some of Nephlite's old generals, namely the Gemini twins. Unfortunately for the Mutant Crew the twins are now quadrupelets, and that means four time the power and four times the danger. Can they be defeated? Stay tuned and find out.

The Mutant Crew: Halloween Horror
    Two Seiyans appear one dark and stormy cabbage night, which, if you aren't aware, is the night before Halloween, when people get into a LOT of trouble egging cars and houses and such. Well, anyways, the Mutant Crew is sent into action to take out these troublemakers and save, not only the town, but the state, country, and even the world. Can they do it? Stay tuned and find out.

The Mutant Crew: School Daze
    Falling asleep in class is a normal part of any high schooler's life, but waking up drained of energy and not remembering anything for 90 minutes is insane. When the teacher turns out to be a monster everyone must go into action, but getting detention for saving the school..... now just wait one minute here! In the end justice is served and everyone's happy..... to a degree.

The Return of the Mutant Crew
    There's danger again, and the mutant crew needs their memories back. Thanks to Diana, Luna, and Artemis, along with the Lunar Mind Meld, they're brought back to action and have an incredible adventure ahead of them. Read on and find out.

The Mutant Crew: The Southern Lights
    WARNING! This fic contains a MAJOR amount of yaoiness. If you don't know what that means, it means a lot of men get together with a lot of other men for *cough* adult relations. It's citrus in text form.... maybe lemon.... well, not lemon, but it's very citrus and kissed by lemon. What I'm trying to say is.... oh, just read the story and if you don't like it don't come complaining to me.

The Mutant Crew: Florida Follies
    The annual battle of the bands is taking place in Florida, and the Mutant Crew is going to go and try to bring home first place. But no matter where they go, trouble always follows. Where did Alex go? What's happening in the future? And what the hell is going on when he returns? Stay tuned and find out.

The New Ronin Warriors: Scouts Honor
    An interesting tale..... introductions to new characters, lots of action, and a concert gone crazy. For those who have read episode 14 of the main series, you'll know about Bloody Roses. This is the first time they appeared in the fics. Anywho, read it and enjoy it.

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