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Welcome to Ney's Home Page / Bienvenue sur la page de Ney !

Welcome to nbulgaria page ©1997-2003      

A web site about Bulgaria, Europe, Balkans, United Nations, World Trade, Global Economy, Investments, Regional Cooperation, Development, European Integration, UN Economic Commission for Europe, Bulgarian Society, History, Geography, Culture & Tolerance,

Dear Visitor,

It is a great pleasure to welcome you on my web site.
I hope you will have a few minutes to look through the content and the summary of this site.

You could find documents, analyses, reports, links and other information related to:
Bulgaria: Society, Politics, Economy, Investments, History, Culture, Population, etc.;
History: Main Events, Chronology, Europe, Bulgaria & Bulgarians, Maps, War and Peace;
Balkans: Regional Cooperation, Society, Politics, Conflicts, Culture, Minorities, etc.;
Europe: Ever Growing Union, Enlargement, World Trade Power, etc.;
United Nations: Economic Commission for Europe, Cooperation and Development;
World Economy and Trade: Analyses, Dynamics, Statistics, Links and Proposals;
Francophone Universe: Organisation, Countries, Africa, East Europe, Letter to the Francophonie;
Author of this web site: Biography, Interests, Friends, Diplomas, Letter of Recommendation.

For those I have not had the pleasure of meeting, allow me to introduce myself. I was born in Bulgaria, where I completed my M.A. in Economics. After working several years for the national administration, I began to work for the United Nations Office in Geneva in 2001. I have published several articles on economic, politic and regional issues mostly related to globalisation, development, cooperation, world trade, integration, enlargement of the European Union, history, national identity, etc.

I will very much appreciated any comment, note or proposal, and will be happy to respond to every request or demand.

I look forwards to hearing from you.

Truly yours,

Neytcho Iltchev


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© nbulgaria 1999-2002, You are viewing nbulgaria. Last updated: 20 August 2003 .
For further information, please contact Mr. Ney Iltchev, to whom you can send your remarks and recommendations.

nbulgaria. If you have comments or suggestions, e-mail me .
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