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Curriculum Vitae of Neytcho Iltchev

ILTCHEV  Neytcho, Expert, Direction Générale, Integration EuropéenneNeytcho M. ILTCHEV
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Trade Development and Timber Division
Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 8-14
CH-1211 Genève 10, Suisse
Tel.: +41229172752, Fax: +41229170664

Headline Achievements
• Creation and management of the Multiplier Points network for promoting, distributing and translating UN documents and publications. This outreach project includes 54 organizations from 27 countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
• Development of network's web site, in English, French and Russian, aiming at increasing exchange of information and knowledge related to the best practices in economic policy, entrepreneurship and good governance throughout the region
• Completed macroeconomic studies and analyses, developed policy proposals, and contributions to economic development, international investment, entrepreneurial activities and improvement of national institutional infrastructure
• Evaluation of the two International Trade Facilitation Forums and assisting the UNECE in its commitments with the UN Public Administration Network.
Letter of Recommendation

Key Skills
• Sound understanding of global economic and development issues, strong analytical, synthesizing and coordination skills. Experience in dealing with the private sector and civil society. Good understanding of the functioning of international organisations and intergovernmental bodies
• Communications skills, including the ability to produce a variety of written communications products and to articulate ideas in a clear and concise style. Ability to interact with clients, maintaining effective relationships and deliver new sales opportunities, good interpersonal skills
• Proven ability to plan and organize own work, to handle multiple concurrent activities; to manage complex tasks and to prioritize competing demands
• Advanced computer skills, including proficiency in word-processing, database management, spreadsheet, Internet navigation and web page development.

Professional work experience

April 2005 – to date
Agrowest SA, 14, rue du Mont-Blanc, CH-1211 Geneva

• Responsible for identifying, developing, managing and expanding business relationships in assigned markets by offering a full range of services to existing and prospective business clients
• Ensuring effective administrative services, evaluation of contracts, developing relationships with key partners and delivering new sales opportunities.

March 2001 – March 2005 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Associate Professional Officer, Trade and Timber Division. Major responsibilities :
UN e-PAS Performance Record
• Creating and managing IT-based international networks aiming at increasing exchange of information and best practices in entrepreneurship and good governance
• Developing the network of National Contact Points (Multiplier Points). This outreach programme and network included 54 organizations from 27 countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
• Assisting with the organization of major international meetings and forums; Encouraging the enhanced participation of developing countries
• Developing and maintaining effective relationships with official agencies, trade associations and NGOs to promote UNECE works, norms and standards
• Preparing documents and other communications such as reports, letters, proposals, studies, website texts and speeches.
Letter of Recommendation, Letter to the Secretary General of the Francophonie

September 1994 – March 2001
Ministry of Economy, Slavyanska Str. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Senior Expert in Industrial and Investment Policies

• Participation in multilateral and bilateral negotiations
• Representing the Ministry at intergovernmental and other external meetings
• Drafted periodic reports and defined effective development practices
• Conducting research and trend analysis related to the economic development
• Contribution to policy proposals and to development of entrepreneurial activities
• Provided advisory and training services; promoted enhanced participation in development and governance process.

October 1993 to August 1996
University of National and World Economy, Sofia
Associate Lecturer in Strategic Management.

• Prepared and presented lectures and organized seminars for students groups in the field of Management and Strategic Planning
• Provided methodology, advisory and training services
• Inputs for the implementation of international technical cooperation projects
• Discussions and reporting on national and international meetings and conferences
• Evaluation and monitoring the implementation of practical projects

February 1990 to February 1991.
DZU (Engineering enterprise), Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Economic Expert and Supervisor for the Information Systems.

• Prepared business plans and monitoring their implementation
• Projects for the development of the information systems in the enterprise
• Identified clients' needs and appropriate solutions, maintained productive relationships with clients, and delivered sales opportunities


November 1999 to July 2000: United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR):
International Civil Servants Programme
organised by the Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie
Major modules: International Relations, United Nations System, Economic Development, International Trade Law, International Financial Management and Human Rights.
Studies at the Institut des relations internationales du Cameroun, Yaoundé; Extensive study tours in the major industrial, agricultural and urban areas in Cameroon.
Thesis on Economic cooperation in Europe and the challenges of globalization

October 1997 to  June 1998: European Institute for Advanced International Studies, Nice,  and Europa Institut, Berlin. European degree in Advanced International Studies.
Program based on four fundamental modules: European Construction, Federalism, Democracy and Society and International Relations, articulating the educational and research activities.
Thesis on Economic Globalisation and Trade Liberalisation /From GATT to the World Trade Organisation/

September 1985 to February 1990: Higher Economic Institute, Sofia:
M.Sc./Econ./ - Diploma of Completed Higher Education, Academic degree of Economist - Planning Expert.
Focus on Macroeconomics, Socio-economic planning, Strategic Management, Marketing, Computer Science. Honours' thesis on Decision-making procedures.

September 1979 to June 1983: High School of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria: Diploma of Completed Secondary Education, degree of economist.


"EURO and the strategic challenges facing Bulgarian enterprises", "Market and Legislation", vol. 7, 1999 (in Bulgarian).
"Safeguard measures on imports", "Economic Thought" - Review of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Economic Institute, XLII, vol. 6, 1997.
"World Trade Organisation - new model for the administration of the international trade", "Economic Thought"- Review of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, XL, vol. 5, 1995 (in Bulgarian).
"Expansion of Multilateral Trade in Services and General Agreement on Trade in Services", "Market and Legislation", vol. 5, 1997 (in Bulgarian).
"Bulgarian Economy integrates into the World Trade Structures (Accession of Bulgaria to the WTO)", "Market and Legislation", vol. 6, 1997.
"Mechanisms of Environmental Policy", in "Mechanisms of social and economic reform in Bulgaria", University of National & World Economy, Sofia, 1992.

Monnaie de la République Bulgare !
Cliquez ici pour visiter le Site de la Banque Nationale de la Bulgarie If You are interested, Please visit the Web Page and the commentaries of Mr. Neytcho ILTCHEV on the Economic Globalisation, World Trade Organisation, and Modern Society (texte en Français)

Mother tongue – Bulgarian
Foreign Languages
English - Reading, Speaking and Writing - Fluently
French- Reading, Speaking and Writing - Fluently
Russian- Reading, Speaking and Writing - Fluently
Ukrainian, Serb-Croat, Macedonian - Minimal working knowledge


  • Mr. Claude Nigoul, Director, European Institute for Advanced International Studies; 10 avenue des fleurs, Nice 06000, Tel. (+334).93979370
  • Ms. Gry Tina Tinde, Special Adviser, UNHCR, BP 2500, CH-1211 Genève 2, Switzerland, Tel.: (4122) 7398024
  • Ms. Lubov Panayotova, Director, European Institute, 96, Rakovski St., Sofia BG-1000, Tel.: (3592) 9886410
  • Ms. Tatyana Petrova, Director, Multilateral Trade Policy Department, Ministry of Trade and Tourism, 1000 Sofia, Tel. +35929873492
  • Ms. Virginia Cram-Martos, Director, Trade and Timber Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 8-14, CH-1211 Genève 10, Suisse, Tel.:+41229172480, e-mail Letter of Recommendation
  • Mr. Evangueliy Andronov, Head, Management Department, University of National & World Economy, Sofia, Tel. (+3592).6252276

Site francophone du Ministère de l'Industrie de la République de Bulgarie

Vos suggestions et commentaires seront les bienvenues. Merci. Adressez-vous à Ney ILCHEV, Direction de l'Integration Européenne

Consulter les commentaires de Neytcho sur la Mondialisation économique, l'Organisation mondiale du commerce et la société moderne

Ministry Of Economy, Bulgaria: web site
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