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Welcome to Malmö

the city by Öresund

Here is a lot to see and to do.

In Malmö, history meet present times on the narrow streets in the old part of Malmö and along the non-traffic streets in the shoppingpassages. Here you can feel the wing-beats of history along Adelgatan, the oldest street in Malmö and on Lilla Torg with its half-timbered houses from the 16th century and all the well visited open-air restaurants. On Södergatan, one of Malmös non-traffic streets, is Malmös oldest drug-store also from the 16th cetury. Outside, the Optimistorchestra (by the artist  Yngve Lundell) is playing in all weathers, and effects a  premonition of the enthusiastic and happy Malmö. In the middle of Stortorget  Karl X Gustaf claims to his horse. Many people from Skåne means that the statue is a derision to all in Skåne, as it reminds of 1658, when we suddenly were under Swedish government. At Börshuset, nearly opposite the Central station, we can look at Reutersvärds "Non violence", whose background was the murder of John Lennon. It exists in three copies in the world - in New York, in Luxemburg and of course in Malmö at Reutersvärds own wish. He lived in Malmö during his youth.
Malmö also is "The city of  parks" with a numerous oases, central as well as on the outskirts of the city. In the parks you get an alternation between woody parts and more arranged plantations and large areas with grass. Nice and warm days you  often find the citizens of Malmö in a park with a picnicbasket.

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