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Name:Elizabeth-The Phantom of the Opera
Thursday June 14, 2007
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
I must say I didn't want to see it the ear it came out. But in my 8th grade year I saw it sitting on the shelf at Wall-Mart and thought I might as well watch it. I have never been filled with so much compassion for one character. The Phantom (Gerard Butler) who was born with a disfigured face at a younger time lives under the Opera Garnier. On top simmers the bustling life of Christine Daae (Emmy Rossum) who secretly takes singing lessons from the Phantom. When her voice takes her to the top trouble stirs beetween her and Carlotta (Minnie Driver) who is generally the star of the productions. Then Christine gets an unexpected visit from a past "childhood sweet heart" the Vicomte de Changy aka Raoul (Patrick Wilson). Her world takes another turn when the Phantom heres of this Raoul, Christine must now deal with the feelins of two men who she loves dearly, one for adventure, mystery, and passion, whom she calls her "Angel of Music" and the other, who offers her security, and a lifetime of assurment with out mystery. Who will she choose? She must make that decision as she trys to fight of Carlotta with the Phantom's help...

Name:Jackie Slovacek
Saturday January 27, 2007
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
I loved Phantom of the Opera and l loved the singing. I liked The Phantom, Christine and Raoul. I have the movie and the soundtrack.

Saturday October 21, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 9
its a simple story with great characters. I love the film, and Emmy Rossum was a creature of beauty. i love the music long before i watch this film, haunting that it was. hollywood wrap right to the setting, that its so good, never mind that here in our locality, people does really mind musicals, I do, and that makes the difference. for gerry buttler, he's imposing, and good looking at that. he's not even ghastly on the film. well anyway, stage or film, i love both genre's. i watch the DVD over and over again, i even bought some films were emmy rossum was in part. mabuhay!

Name:joseph smith
Friday August 25, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
I LOVE the film version!!!!!!!!!! Emmy Rossum is THE BEST actress!!!!! YAY PHANTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHANTASIC!!!!!!

Name: A Phan
Wednsday July 3, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
I saw the movie after it came to DVD, and didnt think too much of it. Then, I got the soundtrack, got the soundtrack for a friends, and it all went uphill (for us) from there! I cry whenever I watch the ending and yes, sue me, i crack up when Christine faints ^_^ The funniest charrie by far though is Carlotta! I think that this version is my fave. Gerry was the PERFECT, can anyone tell what i would have done in Christine's place? ^_^ This is the only movie i watch over and over, and the only music i listen to while the rest of my friends are listening to Fall Out Boy or Green Day or whoever!

Name: Kire Mc
Thursday March 27, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 6
The set is good; EMMY is my favourite Christine, so far. But Gerard doesn't fit to be the Phantom... I still believe that Michael Crawford can still do the Phantom on screen... But overall, the movie's great.

Name: Rosa Klochkov
Thursday March 21, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
I liked it I thought it was very good but you should read the books too for ex. THe phantom of manhattan byFredrick Forsyth the biggining sux but the middle and end are really good. Also the angel of the opera . about Sherlock Holmes meet tyhe phantom of the opera

Name: Erique-fan
Thursday March 2, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
It was simply amazing!I was watching closely because I love Erique and his story and I had read Susan Kays book before and I had seen the stage production,but it was simply wonderful!(thanks to Emmy ,beautiful voice and Gerry,very good acting!!!)

Name: ericka
Wednsday February 1, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
cant tell

Name: patricia shows
Wednsday February 1, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
i have grown up knowing that the poto was a horror film genre. from the very moment the film started you are swept up in the gloriously oppulent scenery and the haunting music. the story just grabs you and does not let go ever ever ever.the story of the phantom just leads you to want to know more thus the research into gaston lerouix and the realization that the story of the phantom is based on actual news happenings of its day. next came wanting to know who was the actual actor who played the phantom. i had never even heard of gerard butler and that also has lead me to research his previous movies and then purchashing them one by one to view the many versital roles he has played. also have heard and read about the many discussions about the comparison between michael crawford and gerard butler.which is really not something that should be compared because they are of 2 different genres, stage and movie. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS GERARD BUTLER WAS ABLE TO DIG VERY DEEP INTO THE PHANTOMS -- SOUL --


Name: Joe Smith
Wednsday January 20, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10

Name: Amanda
Wednsday January 11, 2006
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
I saw Phantom on Broadway in Dec. of 1994. I enjoyed it and was moved by the music. But, I am not a big fan of stage productions and unlike the webmaster of this site, I enjoyed the movie much more. Yes, Hollywood glammed it up and gave us a young sexy phantom, so what, I welcomed it. Gerard Butler did a great job, don't forget he is not a trained singer. My seven year old daughter watched it with me and she was mesmorized and moved by the music and the actors. She is now a fan of the Phantom. I do not think that she would have enjoyed the stage version as much. I think this is why they made the movie and used a younger cast. They gave it Hollywood appeal and reached new fans. I bet the stage performances benefited in attendance numbers from the movie release in 2004 and the DVD release in 2005. I think the movie was critical to the life of the stage production, it rejuvenated a fan base and generated an interest in a new viewing audience. I believe The Phantom just celebrated its position as the longest running show on Broadway. Heres to many more!!!!!

Name: Charlotte (or Carlotta)
Monday December 6, 2005
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
Fantastic, although some things were done better on the stage

Name: Tara V.
Monday November 30, 2005
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
Unfortunately, I have not yet had the opportunity to see the stage performance of "Phantom", so I very much appreciated this movie being made. Everything about it is wonderful! Emmy Rossum is beautiful and has a gorgeous voice. I was not too sure about Gerard Butler at first. I had never heard of him before and I was comparing his voice to Michael Crawfords (I have the soundtrack), but the more I watched it the more I liked him. "Phantom" is coming to Western Michigan this spring and I very much hope to have the chance to go.

Name: Amelia
Monday November 28, 2005
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
I thought this version was wonderful. I could not stop laughing, though, when Christine fainted at the sight of the very lifelike, lifesize doll of herself. If that made sense, then I hope that someone else out there was laughing with me. And I'm so glad they didn't kill off Erik at the kind of left some hope.

Name: Crystal
Sunday September 21, 2005
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
I love this movie I whach it every night and The Phantom is so hot. You got the right actor to play the part he has a beautiful voice I thought he was so sexy the fist time I met him.

Name: Monika
Sunday August 31, 2005
Feeling: Favorable
Rating (1=awful; 10=wonderful): 10
after seeing the movie i became a huge fan of it..(and of gerry), my sister had already seen the play show (shes a big fan of the play show), so she loved the movie aswell...

i have almost nothing to say about it, only that it was amazing and for those who didnt see it cos they think its a boring movie cos its a musical, ITS NOT! see 4 your self!

i think the cast was perfect, gerry did a fabulous job, you could feel his every feeling of sadnedd, happiness and angryness, have to say i never, ever touth he couls sing that great... Emmy did a good job aswell, lovely voice, she was inecent perfect for the role of christine (cant believe she was only 16 when she sis it!)... Patrick, gorgeous voice! i love the way it put raoul so brave and courage... minnie, 1º thing, a laugh and a half! she was so funny, i loved the way she played diva carllota, loved the itallian accent! very goos job!

now for the bad side of my opinion... 1 thing only... i notice some mistakes in the movie, bad cutting...

thats all... what can i say, its my favorite movie! ^_^

Name: Empy
Sunday August 14, 2005
Feeling: Favorable
This is a lovely movie. The sets, costumes, music, acting...was all well done. This is definatly a movie worth seeing.

My only regret: Gerard Butler is far too good looking to to be the 'monstrously ugly' Phantom.

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