**Shannon Lawson Fans**
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Fan Club** E-Cards** Tell A Friend** Official Site**

Welcome Shannon Lawson Fans! You are just a few clicks away from joining one of the most unique fan clubs in the industry. Shannon and Mandy wanted to take a different approach to Shannon's fan club, they wanted to make sure that when you join his fan club, you are helping your favorite charity as well. So to become a member of the Shannon Lawson Fan Club, you must donate at least $10.00 to your favorite charity! (This includes Shannon's fans who live outside of the United States) This must be a new donation, specifically for membership, not a donation that was made a few months ago. Mail or email your dated receipt, your email address and a special date (It can be your birthday, anniversary or any special date) to Karen Price at the fan club address. You must have access to a computer and a valid email address to take advantage of the online fan club pages. After she receives your information and receipt, she will send you via email the password to access the online fan club.

Below is a list of the special fan club pages you will have access to. It will not be sent through regular mail. The Shannon Lawson Fan Club is available on the internet only.

  • Access To The Online Fan Club
  • Access To Exclusive Interviews
  • Access To Exclusive Photos From Shannon's Shows
  • Access To Shannon & Mandy's Personal Photos
  • Chat With Shannon In The Chatroom When He Is Guest-Hosting
  • Access To The Fan Club Message Board
  • Laminated Meet And Greet Pass Sent To You Via Regular Mail
  • Trivia And Interactive Games For GREAT Prizes!
  • Future Surprises Just For Fan Club Members

If you want, you may go to one of the links provided or to your favorite charity website to donate right away. Then simply email your confirmation to the fan club email address listed below, and Karen will email you the password. This will give you immediate access to the fan club pages.

Shannon would like for you to donate to your favorite charity, not necssarily his. He wants to make sure that when you donate, it is something that you believe in.

Please use these links if you are unsure as to what organization you would like to donate to. These links will open a separate window, so you can easily get back here.

Ready To Join?

Shannon Lawson Fan Club
P.O. Box 283
Kathleen, GA. 31047

Email Fan Club

Be sure to include the following:

  • Your Donation Confirmation/Receipt From The Charity You Donated To
  • The Amount You Donated
  • A "User" Name Of Your Choosing
  • Your Full Name
  • Your Address Including City/State & Zip Code
  • Your Phone Number (Day & Evening)With Area Code
  • Your Email Address

Remember! You MUST have a valid email address to become a member of the Shannon Lawson Fan Club. If you move or change your email address, please write to Karen at the fan club and let her know so she can update her records.

There has been $1,400.00 dollars donated to charity from Shannon Lawson fan club members.