Masons in the Churches

As Christians became lukewarm in old France prior to the disastrous French Revolution, so they are in America today in spite of the seemingly "awakening" after the World Trade Buildings and Pentagon attacks on September 11,2001. A survey published in August 1988 by the Association of North American Missions indicts the church. It revealed that most Christians care little about the needs of the Church. "People are placing a higher value on their life-style than on the church" (1985 Annual Report of the Association of North American Missions).

Much of this attitude of selfishness and indifference to God's work through the churches at large flourishes because most of our churches have been penetrated by materialistic Masons. Tom C. McKenney, co-author of The Deadly Deception, revealed a shocking statistic. In July 1989 McKenney named the two largest Protestant denominations in the United States, and said, "Through our best estimates, 90 percent of one and 70 percent of the other have pastors who are members of the Masonic Lodge" (McKenney did not say how he arrived at those figures. Most recent figures for the Southern Baptists were reported at their June 1992 annual convention. Spokesmen at the convention stated that there were 1.3 million Masons who are members of the Southern Baptist Churches and an estimated 14 percent of the Southern Baptist pastors are Masons).

Masonic penetration of churches began at the turn of the 20th century. Myron Fagan, in The Illuminati, tells how this effectual takeover was accomplished. According to Myron Fagan, at the end of the 19th century, Grand Orient Freemasonry deliberately sent Jacob Schiff son of a Reform Rabbi born in Frankfurt, Germany] to the United States to carry out four specific assignments. The first was to acquire control of America's money system. This was accomplished by founding the Federal Reserve System. The second was to find desirable men who, for a price, would willingly serve as stooges for THE great conspiracy.

Once they were found they would be promoted to FEDERAL POSITIONS in the Congress, on the U.S. Supreme Court, and at all Federal agencies. The agency founded for grooming these men is the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR - that publishes a quarterly called Foreign Affairs]. The third was to create minority group strife throughout the nation, particularly between races. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People [NAACP] was founded for that purpose. The fourth was to create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity as the chief target. This became the task of the National Council of Churches (The Illuminati recorded by Myron Fagan on two cassette tapes in 1967).

Jacob Schiff's background suited him ideally for his assignment in America. As Rabbi Antelman wrote: 'It was Jacob Schiff and his family who played a prominent role in developing the Reform and Conservative APOSTATE Jewish movements and who aided them at critical stages of their development in putting into action the demonic master plan to undermine ALL world religions. Fragmentation and divide and conquer were the order of the day" (Antelman, pp.26-27).

According to Myron Fagan, Schiff was helped in his first three assignments by several anti-Semitic and anti- Christian Grand Orient Freemasons. Fagan details how Masonic money and power backed Jacob Schiff and established for the German House of Warburg a banking system in America, with J. P Morgan and John D Rockefeller as front men. Dr. Carroll Quigley, in Tragedy and Hope, concurs with Fagan (Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time [1966; Los Angeles: Angriff Press, 1974), p.5). As well does Rabbi Antelman (p. 26).

The National Council of Churches

Jacob Schiff, nearing death, did not have enough time to accomplish the destruction of the church in America, his fourth and final assignment. He selected Rockefeller to finance and direct an institution to that end. Fagan tells how young men were selected for the ministry and then taught how to dilute the Christian message: "The destruction of Christianity could be accomplished only by those who are entrusted to preserve it, by the pastors, the men of the cloth. As a starter, John D. Rockefeller picked up a young, so-called Christian minister by the name of Dr. Harry F. Ward. At the time, he was teaching religion at the Union Theological Seminary. Thereupon, in 1907, he financed him to set up the Methodist Foundation of social Service, and Ward's job was to teach bright young men to become so-called ministers of Christ and place them as pastors of churches. While teaching them to become ministers, the Reverend Ward also taught them how to very subtly and craftily preach to their congregations that the entire story of Christ is a myth, to CAST DOUBTS on the divinity of Christ, to cast doubts about the Virgin Mary. In short, to cast doubts on Christianity as a whole. It was not to be a direct attack, but much of it by crafty insinuation that was to be applied, in particular, to the youth in the Sunday Schools.

"Then, in 1908, the Methodist Foundation of Social Service changed its name to the Federal Council of Churches. By 1950, the Federal Council of Churches was becoming VERY SUSPECT as being a Communist front, so they changed the name to the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES. From this was created the World Council of Churches" (Myron Fagan).

The communist activity of this Masonic front did not cease with its many name changes. Reader's Digest, January 1983, documents that both the National and World Council of Churches have funded communists AND terrorists.

The title of the six-page article asks the question: "Do You Know Where Your Church Offerings Go'?" Without naming Freemasonry, the article depicts how well meaning Christians have been duped [deceived] into funding Masonry's anti-Christ revolution. "Over a two-year period $442,000 in Methodist churchgoer's money alone had been sent to a number of political organizations, among them..." groups supporting the Palestine Liberation Organization [Yasser Arafat], the governments of Cuba and Vietnam, the pro-Soviet totalitarian movements of Latin America, Asia and Africa, and several "violence prone groups in the United States" (Rael Jean Isaac, "Do You Know Where Your Church Offerings Go?." Readers' Digest, January 1983, p.120).

In 1980 churchgoers, responding to hunger appeals, raised over $650,000. The fund-raising project typically showed a photograph of needy children. But, a significant portion of the money went to political activists (Reader S' Digest, p 124).

In 1983, according to the Readers' Digest article: "The National Council of Churches consisted of32 Protestant and Orthodox communions representing 40 million Christians [Southern Baptists and Catholics are the largest churches that do not belong to the NCC]. The Methodist Church, with nine million members, is the largest denomination in the NCC and its chief contributor. After the Methodists, with their 1980 contribution of close to $8 million, came he United Presbyterians with nearly $3 million, followed by the United Church of Christ, with close to $2 million, and the Disciples of Christ and the Episcopal Church, each of which contributes over 1 million" (Readers' Digest, p.121).

Church World Service, an arm of the National Council of Churches, engages in political advocacy AND contributes churchgoer funds to programs designed to further strategic goals of governments with which CWS leaders sympathize. For example, CWS contributed nearly half a million dollars to Vietnam's concentration camps for "political undesirables." In 1973, at a time when the Masonic Jesuits in South America began their 'Liberation Theology," the CWS embarked on a new direction committing funds to "liberation and justice" (Reader's Digest, p. 121). If member pastors challenged where these funds were going, they were "punished, some actually forced out of the church" (Reader S' Digest, p.125).

As might be expected, the article reported that the president of the National Council of Churches from 1979 to 1981 embarked on a series of visits to those he described as U.S. "political prisoners" (Reader's Digest, p. 121). The organization that helped him in selecting which prisoners to visit was listed by the CIA as an international Soviet front organization. Reader's Digest pointed out that many executives in the National Council of Churches believe that a just society is only possing under communism. Yet the great communist human-rights outrages of our time have never been condemned by the NCC's governing board. On the other hand, the National Council of Churches governing board has censured El Salvador, Turkey, Nicaragua [under Somoza], Chile, South Korea and Guatemala, whose violations cannot be compared to those of communist countries the NCC governing board has ignored. Worse yet, the NCC identified several of the communist countries with the worst record on human rights as models for Christians. Cuba, for example, was considered by the NCC as a nation "we believe can inform Christians around the world with a new intensity and depth of insight about the meaning of faith" (Reader's Digest, p.125).

The National Council of Churches claims that Cuba allows full freedom of worship. Yet, according to the article, no mention was made that "Cuban children are indoctrinated in atheism in schools, and that no one who professes belief in God can be a member of the Communist Party or advance in his career" (Reader's Digest, p123)


Not only has the National Council of Churches funded Communist revolutions with offerings of churchgoers, it has rewritten the Bible to conform to the Whore of Babylon's male/female-god religion. The first step is to neuter God.

James Kilpatrick, in his October23, 1983, Universal Press Syndicate article, "Scriptures Change in Overhaul Job," wrote that "The National Council of Churches was Out to take the sex out of scripture." He added that the NCC is rewriting certain passages of Scripture in the Old and New Testaments "so as to eliminate references to gender, or as an alternative, to spread the gender around. Thus, Jesus no longer would be identified as the 'son' of God, but rather as the 'child' of God. In this egalitarian version, it is 'God the Father (and Mother)."'

Member churches were not long in following the National Council of Churches. The largest contributor to the NCC is the United Methodist Church. The Associated Press reported on December 10, 1983, that the governing body of the United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, had "approved guidelines on biblical and theological language that suggest that fewer male nouns and pronouns be used in referring to Jesus." By 1986 the blasphemy had become greater when in Denver, Colorado, the Rocky Mountain Region of the United Methodist Church "adopted a new policy prohibiting ministry candidates from referring to God as exclusively male in church paperwork and interviews. The policy allows the 'historical' Jesus to be called He, but prohibits any exclusively male reference to a divine or messianic Jesus. The policy also calls for phrases such as Divine Light [a Masonic term] to be used in place of Father, King, or Lord. Candidates are allowed to refer to God as Mother and Father, or as He and She" (Omega-Letter, December 1986, p.3).

"At the root of the problem," says Methodist evangelistic Edmund Robb, "is the secularization of the church. The NCC has substituted revolution FOR religion" (Readers' Digest, p.125).


Not satisfied with their coup of main line churches, the Masonic dominated National Council of Churches is now forbidding Christian instruction of our youth in church child-care centers. An article in the May 9, 1989, USA Today, entitled "Church Issue Threatens Child-Care Bill" informed us that the National Council of Churches "supports a provision in the bill that says parents who receive federal subsidies may send their children to programs in churches that avoid religious instruction. "From the beginning the plan of Masonry has been to merge all religions. Dr John Coleman, a retired British intelligence officer, confirms that the World Council of Churches, which is an extension of the National Council of Churches, is by Freemasons, in fact, the first president of the World Council of Churches, [1948-1954] was a 33rd degree Freemason. G. Bromley Oxnam, a Methodist Bishop.

Coleman says that the WCC now practices witchcraft. In Witchcraft in Politics, Coleman states that the WCC 's 6th Supreme Legislative Assembly met in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on July 24 through August 12, 1983. There it was decided to donate funds to the study of the occult (Cassette - Witchcraft in Politics Today, narrated by Dr John Coleman in 1984; also Denslow, 10000 Famous Freemasons, Vol.111, p.299).

Coleman says that the World Council of Churches promotes the Masonic one-world doctrine in its magazine, One World. Denslow not only lists 33rd degree Freemason 0. Bromley Oxnam as the first American president of the World Council of Churches, but adds that he was also president of the Federal Council of Churches [forerunner of the WCC] from 1944 to 1946 and was one of the presiding officers at the organization of the National Council of Churches at Cleveland, Ohio in 1950.

ONCE THE OCCULT IS STUDIED - what next? The "Religion" section of Time magazine, May 22, 1989 presents the horrifying prospects. Dr. Richard Mouw, of California's Fuller Theological Seminary, is quoted in that article as saying that the mainline Churches that are members of the National Council of Churches ARE NOW TEACHING "magic and the occult and the new age. There's a return to a premodern world view."

Former 33rd degree Mason, Jim Shaw, exposes the link between Freemasonry and the National Council of Churches. Mr. Shaw stated in a sermon that the pastors in the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches are promoting Freemasonry. "I have served in the Lodge with them," said Shaw. "I have a list of many NCC pastors who are working for the Masonic monster with all the strength they have. They are not interested in the Lord Jesus Christ, though they pretend to be" (Cassette tape by Jim Shaw - Pastors in the NCC who are in Freemasonry).

Pastors Without Faith

What degenerative results have seventy years of conscientious and active Masonic penetration [infiltration] brought to the churches in America? The frightening statistics were gathered by the Jefirey Hadden survey and published in the December 1987 Pulpit Helps, which reaches thousands of ministers. Questions were sent to some 10,000 Protestant clergymen, 7,441 replied. The questions, together with the percentages in the replies were as follows:

"Do you accept Jesus' physical resurrection as a fact? 51 percent of Methodists, 35 percent of United Presbyterians, 30 percent of Episcopalians, 33 percent of American Baptists, 13 percent of American Lutherans, and 7 percent of Missouri Synod Lutherans said 'NO.' "Do you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus? 60 percent of Methodists, 44 percent of Episcopalians, 49 percent of Presbyterians, 34 percent of Baptists, 19 percent of American Lutherans, and 5 percent of Missouri Synod Lutherans said 'NO.' "Do you believe in evil demon power in the world today? 62 percent of Methodists, 37 percent of Episcopalians, 47 percent of Presbyterians, 33 percent of Baptists, 14 percent of American Lutherans, and 9 percent of Missouri Synod Lutherans said 'NO.' "Do you believe that the Scriptures are the inspired and inerrant Word of God in faith, history and secular matters?

87 percent of Methodists, 95 percent of Episcopalians, 82 percent of Presbyterians, 67 percent of American Baptists, 77 percent of American Lutherans, and 24 percent of Missouri Synod Lutherans said 'NO' ("A Falling Away First," Omega-Letter, March 1988, p.5).

Planning the Destruction of Christianity

The blueprint to destroy the [Catholic] Church was drawn up over two hundred years ago by Adam Weishaupt, who has been called "The Human Devil." Whether Weishaupt received the plan from Voltaire or Frederick the Great is not known. Nesta Webster suggests some connection when she notes that "The resemblances between Weishaupt's correspondence and that of Voltaire and of Frederick the Great are certainly very striking" (Webster, Secret Societies, p.213).

From 1750-1755, Voltaire was a guest at Frederick's court (Webster, p.156). Dr. Dillon wrote of that visit: "[Voltaire] sketched out for them the whole mode of procedure AGAINST the Church. His policy as revealed by the correspondence of Frederick II, and others with him, was not to commence [begin] an immediate persecution, but first to suppress the Jesuits and all Religious orders, and to secularize their goods; then to deprive the Pope of temporal authority, and [deprive] the Church of property and state recognition. Primary and higher-class education of a lay and Infidel character was to be established [getting God out of schools], principle of divorce affirmed, and respect for ecclesiastics [church] lessened and destroyed. Lastly, when the whole body of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and Infidelity [indifference to truth] strong enough, the final blow was to be dealt by the sword [military] of open, relentless persecution. A REIGN OF TERROR WAS TO SPREAD OVER THE WHOLE EARTH, AND TO CONTINUE WHILE A CHRISTIAN SHOULD BE FOUND OBSTINATE ENOUGH TO ADHERE TO CHRISTIANITY. This, of course, was to be followed by a Universal Brotherhood without marriage, family property, God, or law..." (Dillon, p.7-8).

Weishaupt took up the cause of Voltaire, promoting the vehicle by which the plan would be carried to future generations. When Weishaupt penetrated Freemasonry with illuminism, the Lodge took up the cause, citing Voltaire as a patron. Miller explains in Occult Theocracy" that after the 1789-1793 destruction of old France by the French revolution, and subsequent to the reign of Napoleon, Grand Orient Freemasonry's aim was the same as Voltaire's. From the minutes of the Italian Masonic Lodge, Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules: Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades 0f Masonry, Miller quotes: OUR FINAL AIM is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution. THE COMPLETE ANNIHILATION OF CATHOLICISM, AND ULTIMATELY OF CHRISTIANITY Under this cloak [of Freemasonry], we may conspire at our convenience, and arrive, little by little, at our ultimate aim" (Miller, p.430).

Ever since this time, the Masonic Lodges have been bent on the destruction of our families, our churches, our nation, our world, and our God. Freemasonry's ULTIMATE AIM is a one-world humanistic government WITHOUT Christ and His Church. The Masonic Lodge in the highest grades are still carrying out Voltaire's plan.

Author and 18th century English Freemason John Robison in Proofs of a Conspiracy [1798] quotes a letter from Weishaupt to his Illuminatus brother Cato. This letter states his use of Masonry to another end: The great strength of our Order [The IIluminati] lies in its concealment; let it never appear. In any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter that the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it"' (Robison, p. 112).

Having achieved this goal, Weishaupt's next step was twofold: (1) through revolution win freedom for the subjects of what he regarded as despotic kings and the Church; and (2) after the revolution, inaugurate an ostensibly atheistic government under the guise of democracy. Commander Guy Carr from Canada in The Conspiracy writes that 'Weishaupt never intended that any EXCEPT SPECIALLY SELECTED Masons, from the Higher Degrees, should learn 'The Full Secret' of Lucifer. ONLY those known to have defected completely from Almighty God were initiated into the Higher Degrees of the Grand Orient Lodges and told that the Illuminati was a secret organization with the order DEDICATED to the cause of forming a One World Government. . .Weishaupt stated this action would ensure permanent peace and prosperity. Only initiates into the final degree were permitted to know..." (Carr, p.2).

Let's Move Forward in Time! NEA Defends Subversives

As stated on page 11, the 1940s and '50s saw Americans wake up to forced socialist propaganda in the schools upon our children. Once the momentum was turned from Socialist teaching back to Americanism, the so-called "progressive" educators, instead of "frontier thinkers," turned to Dr. Donald Dushane, President of the National Education Association [NEA]. He appointed a Dr. Harold Benjamin to lead an investigative commission. They were to investigate: (1) The textbooks under suspicion (2) education in general and (3) the patriotic groups that were criticizing education and textbooks.

Everyone was anticipating the exposure of the Communist "frontier thinkers," since they were the enemies of our American, Christian heritage. Instead, the NEA commission attacked the patriotic citizens who were exposing the Socialists and gave wholehearted support to the Socialists/Communists.

Dr. Harold Benjamin, chairman of the NEA commission released his investigative report in July 1950. He stated that the "...Defense commission is a kind of educational reconnaissance troop, and it has a combat- intelligence report to give you tonight. It is the estimate of the commission that a general attack on public education in the United States is now being organized. The enemy [patriotic Christians] is trying to find out where we [Socialists/Freemasons] are weak or strong, testing his methods of attack, recruiting and training his forces, building up his stockpiles, filling his war chest and organizing his propaganda units" (Defense Bulletin No, 35, "Commission For The Defense Of Democracy Through Education, NEA, July 1950).

Dr. Benjamin had now put parents who were objecting to Socialists programs in our schools in the ENEMY camp. "The NEA was starkly exposed as an AGENT of the progressivist power structure which had written the controversial textbooks - nothing less" (Blackboard Power NEA Threat to America, by Dr. Gordon V. Drake, p.28). The National Education Association [NEA] had now started openly attacking and discrediting citizens, parents and educators who exposed their un-American policies. They produced such publications as American Education Under Fire by Ernest 0. Melby, and Danger! They Are After Our Schools, which attacked the "ENEMIES" of the new public education - which was Masonic, who founded Socialism/Communism.