Let Us Digress a Moment!

The Masonic War Against Church, Parents, and Children

Investigative journalist Paul Fisher has summarized the GOALS of Freemasonry in America in creating and promoting a system of compulsory public education: "(1) The destruction of ALL social influence by the Church and religion generally, either by open persecution or by so-called separation of Church and Stale; (2) To secularize all public and private life and, above all, popular education; and (3) To systematically develop freedom of thought and conscience in school children, and protect them, so far as possible, against all disturbing influences of the Church, ~ even their own parents - by compulsion if necessary" (Fisher, p.40).

According to Fisher, this PLAN was launched on a grand scale when on September 24, 1924; the Scottish Rite Supreme Council met at Charleston, South Carolina. The Masonic monthly magazine, New Age, published the Grand Commander's "Allucution" in the October issue that year: "Through the activities of our state organizations, the New Age magazine, our clip service and News Bureau, we are stimulating the public interest and furnishing much valuable material to speakers and writers, and thereby can reasonably claim much credit for the growing interest in favor of compulsory education by the state" (Fisher, p.242).

The same Scottish Rite publication in April 1934 "advocated the public school as the 'only agency' capable of fusing various peoples, tongues and customs; and where it is noted that Masonry was the pioneer in advocating a federal Department of Education" (Fisher, 293).

When World War II began, there was a renewed interest on public school campuses in praying and studying the Bible. In Illinois "release time" was granted by state law. A Mason fought the law all the way to the Supreme Court where McCollum vs. Board of Education was heard. The Scottish Rite Supreme Council went to work on McCollum's behalf. Twenty-four articles opposing release time for religious education appeared in the Scottish Rite New Age magazine between February 1941 and January 1948. Masons around the nation began attacking the notion of and movement for release time. Justice Black, a 33rd degree Mason, spoke for the majority of the Supreme Court. In 1963 the Illinois State Law was struck down (Fisher, 172, 310,318).

In 1944 Freemasonry lost a major educational battle when the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, better known as "The G.I. Bill of Rights," was passed. Paul Fisher says, "The new law provided a wide range of benefits for returning veterans, including virtually free education in the school of the returning serviceman's choice - even in religious seminaries. It was a devastating blow to Masonry's efforts to deny government assistance to 'sectarian' institutions" (Fisher, p.141). Fisher lends four pages of documentation to Freemasonry's fight against the Bill.

Upon losing this battle, Freemasonry retaliated. Fisher notes that "Soon thereafter, on January 9, 10, 1945, legislation sponsored by the National Education Association (NEA) An organization that historically has been closely tied to Scottish Rite Freemasonry - was introduced in the House and Senate. It provided substantial finds for public education, but made no provision for assisting non-public schools" (Fisher, p 144). Fisher further documents that the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite funded the propaganda for passage of this Bill.

Freemasonry had its agents everywhere. At this time the National Education Association's Executive Secretary of almost twenty years [from 1935] was 33rd degree Mason, Willard E. Givens. His mission was to consolidate the control of education by the NEA. In Freemasonry, Antichrist Upon Us, published in 1957 by an organization called Fragments of Truth at Elon College, North Carolina, we read: "When the program of Education For A New America was firmly established in the public schools and the NEA-control of education as undisputed fact, 33rd degree Mason, Willard E. Givens resigned as Executive Secretary of the NEA to take over the Educational Program of the prestigious Supreme Council 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" (p.77-78).

Another attack

Freemasonry mounted another attack. The mind control tactics required to teach atheism and globalism, which is necessary to successfully inaugurate the future godless one-world government, could not be taught in rural schools where curriculum was controlled by parents. Consolidation was the Scottish Rite's next order of attack against parental influence. Freemasonry sent former Harvard University President James B. Conant [33rd degree Mason, member of the NEA's Educational Policies Commission, and member of the Council on Foreign Relations] on a speaking tour. Fragments of the truth tells the story:

"When the massive school building program was being launched early in the 1950's, Dr. James B. Conant was commissioned to tour the country in behalf of school consolidation.

"A summary of Dr. Conant's recommendations was published in booklet form and sent out by the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite to the TOP LEADERS in 35 southern and western states" (Antichrist Upon Us).

With Masonic propaganda preceding Dr. Conant's tour, he was assured large audiences wherever he spoke. In every meeting the audience was peppered with Masons from that particular jurisdiction - Masons awaiting orders from their Grand Master. Following Conant's tour, each of the 35 Grand Lodge jurisdictions ordered its Masonic constituency in all walks of life to talk positively of consolidation in their work, churches and bars. As a result, parents everywhere marched to the polls and voted to surrender their control. Consolidation of 259,000 school districts into 1,600 became a reality (Word of Lift quarterly [Winter 1990], p.24).

After consolidation, parents were NO longer intimate with teachers. As planned, both became alienated by the larger body - the NEA. Gradually but surely, the Masonic- controlled NEA became adversarial towards parents. Although the PTA was formed to bridge the gap, it pales in strength to Freemasonry's revolutionary teachers' union.

In the March 1959 issue of the Scottish Rite's New Age magazine, Freemasonry praised the efforts of Masons who were responsible for this educational coup d' e'tat:

"Every Mason becomes a teacher of 'Masonic philosophy to the community,' and the Craft is 'the missionary of the NEW ORDER - a Liberal order, in which Masons become high priests.'

"[We proclaim] that this 'Masonic philosophy' which has brought forth a 'NEW ORDER' [has] become a reality by 'the establishment of the public schools system, financed BY THE STATE for the combined purpose of technological and sociological education of the mass of humanity, and beginning at an early age in childhood" (Fisher, p.56-57).

With parents no longer in control of schools and curriculum, the Masonic-created and funded NEA went to work on the minds of our children. Former NEA president, Katherine Barrett, articulated the NEW revolutionary role of teachers: "the teacher will be the conveyor of values, a philosopher. Teachers no longer will be victims of change [meaning controlled by parents]; WE WILL BE AGENTS OF CHANGE" (Ralph A Epperson, The Unseen Hand [Tucson, Az: Publius Press, 1985], p.490).

In the same decade of consolidation, Freemasonry began selecting the textbooks that were to be used in the new public school system. The February 1959 issue of the New Age magazine announced an "Evolution of American Education" to Masons throughout the nation and "mandated that members of the Fraternity disseminate Masonic materials in public schools." They were instructed to "take that role seriously" (Fisher, p.57). And they did take it seriously. Fisher gave a few examples of their diligence:

"In 1959...Franklin W. Patterson, 33rd Degree, secretary of the Scottish Rite Lodge at Baker, Oregon, succeeded in persuading the principal of the local high school to use Masonic-oriented texts in the local public schools. Also, the Scottish Rite bodies of Alexandria, Virginia 'Placed the New Age magazine in all public school libraries within their jurisdiction."

"In 1964, Grand Commander Luther A. Smith reported that Masonic booklets had been 'distributed by sets to every room in every school' in the Charlotte County, North Carolina public school system. The Superintendent of Schools for that jurisdiction made the Masonic propaganda 'required reading."

"In 1965, Major General Herrnan Nickerson, 33rd Degree, Commander of the U.S. Marine Corps facility at Camp Lejune, N.C., was commended by the Supreme Council for introducing the Supreme Council's books on 'Americanism' into the schools under his command attended by children of Marine Corps personnel" (Fisher, p.57).

Freemasonry implemented three of four steps required before our schools could be regarded as atheistic. They: 1) preached consolidation; 2) wrested control of education FROM parents, placing it in the hands of its militant minion - the NEA; and 3) placed its own textbooks in the schools. The fourth and final Masonic blow against Christianity being taught in the classroom, says Fisher, was the 1962/1963 Supreme Court decision outlawing Bible reading and prayers in the public schools (Fisher, p.56). Six of the nine Supreme Court Justices were Masons that handed down the decision.

Masonic religious thinking

Five years later 33rd degree Mason Leonard A. Wenz gloated over Masonry's success in an article, "Masonry And The Bible," written for the New Age magazine, February 1968. The following is an excerpt:

"The keynote of Masonic religious thinking IS naturalism which sees all life and thought as ever developing and evolutionary.. .The Bible is not today what it once was. Current higher criticism has made OBSOLETE the idea that the Bible is a unique revelation of supernatural truth" (Fisher, p.57).

A few Christian parents, recognizing the atheistic propaganda taught their children, encouraged their fundamentalist and evangelical churches to start private schools. Alarmed that Christian education might persevere and even flourish, 33rd degree Mason Dr. James B. Conant stated: "I do believe there is some reason to fear lest a dual system of secondary education may in some states, at least, come to threaten the democratic unity provided by our public schools.

"I refer to the desire of some people to increase the scope and number of private schools. To my mind, our schools serve ALL creeds. The greater the portion of our youth who attend independent schools, the greater the threat to our democratic unity". (Epperson, pp.387-388).

Dr. Conant is clearly setting the atheistic education of the Masonic agenda against education inspired and formed by Christianity and its doctrines. He obviously fears that Christians ["some people"] will found enough "independent" schools to constitute a "threat" to Masonic designs, both religious and political.

Dr. Conant further spread Masonic disinformation by claiming American public schools "serve ALL creeds." As parents and other concerned citizens see today, Freemasonry has effectively BANISHED THE CREED OF CHRISTIANS FROM PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Masonic Lodge has replaced Christianity with the evolutionary and atheistic creed of Mystery Babylon.

Masonic religious thinking