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Bienvenue au monde francophone du Lycée Metro!  My goal is to help you learn French in a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere through challenging and productive activities which use as much French as possible.  What is your role in accomplishing this goal?  This policy should help you answer that question.  




What You Should Bring to Class Each Day


* A notebook.  You will be taking notes, as well as working with numerous handouts.  While a   notebook with pockets will work, previous students have found that a loose-leaf notebook is the best way to organize all of this material.

*  A writing utensil

* All of the notes you have been taking all year. These serve as your reference source during activities, so simply having paper on which to take notes for the day is not sufficient.






Expect homework for every class meeting.  Each assignment is carefully designed to help you memorize new material effectively.  Missing homework impedes your learning process.  Missing homework points severely affects your grade.


*   Follow the instructions carefully.

*   Write down the instructions and examples in a specific spot in your notebook.

*   I only repeat homework instructions outside of class for students who were absent.

*   I will not accept your homework if you arrive tardy to class and homework has already been collected (unless you have been detained by a faculty member, cab or bus.)

*   I will not accept your homework if you work on it during class the day it is due.

*   Allow sufficient time in your weekly schedule to complete your assignment carefully, before the due date.

*   I do not usually allow late homework.  Don’t leave it at home. 

*   I will, however, allow you to miss one homework assignment per semester if you have an emergency.

 (NOTE: This does not include the “Use the new vocabulary words [or expressions] three times each in context” assignment, nor any other worth over 15 points.)

*   Homework is usually worth 10, 15, 20 or 25 points.




Daily Objectives and Your Notebook


The class objectives are written on the board each day in French. They serve as both a teaching tool and an organizational tool. You will encounter new French words and expressions in the objectives, and you are expected to memorize these on your own. The objectives also help you locate things more efficiently in your notes. 

*    Your first required activity each day is to copy the daily objectives into your notebook.   

*    You will have pop quizzes on the material used repeatedly in the objectives.


Taking notes is essential.  I consider an organized notebook to be an essential learning tool. 

*   If it pertains to French, and you don’t know it, write it down. You should not need to ask me whether or not you need to write something down.  

*   Don’t rely on your memory alone.  Examples are the best illustration of new information.  You should write down examples of things I say, as well as those that I write on the board.




Your 50 Bonus Points

(and how to keep them!)


* Each student will begin each semester with 50 points simply for taking notes every day, writing the objectives every day, getting notes you missed for any absence, keeping track of handouts, and arriving on time.  I will do unannounced notebook checks during class at my discretion.  If I notice days with missed notes, missed objectives, or lack of organization, you will lose points.  The amount of points lost will be 5 to 10 points per infraction, at my discretion, according to the amount of notes you are missing.  If you come tardy to class, you will lose 5 points for each  tardy (including coming back tardy from a break).  If you neglect to return to class with some required handout, worksheet, or paper to be signed by a parent, you will lose 5 points. If you take daily notes, write the objectives for each class, and keep your notes organized, you won’t need to worry about this grade. 




Attendance and Missed Notes


When you miss class, you miss vital opportunities to practice the material you are trying to learn. You also miss explanations of the nuances of using the new material, which you can’t get just from copying someone’s notes.  When you are tardy to class you miss instructions for activities and you disrupt the concentration of your classmates.   


*   Metro accepts only phone calls from your parent/guardian before 9:00 a.m. as verification of your absence.  Do not wait to bring a note the day you return.

*   Any assignments due or assigned the day of an un-verified absence receive ZERO points. This includes tests, quizzes, homework and in-class assignments.

       *  Your overall class grade will be reduced by 10 raw-score  points for every absence which exceeds the limits described in Metro’s Attendance Policy (unless the absence falls under the emergency categories and is cleared by an administrator).

*   Immediately get notes for the class you missed.  You are required to have those with you by the next class meeting you attend.  Make arrangements by phone with someone to get a photocopy of their notes before coming to class. Failure to do this will result in a loss of 10 raw-score points to your overall class grade. 


NOTE:  All teachers at Metro adhere to the school-wide attendance policy.  All Metro students are responsible for knowing the particulars of this policy.




Exams and Quizzes


Prepare yourself well for exams and quizzes.  They are worth a large number of points. 

*    Study by writing.  This is a much more effective method than just looking over your notes repeatedly. 

*    Study every day.  Daily practice is essential to help you memorize.  Last-minute “cramming” is not effective for long-term retention of information.


Try not to miss an exam.  Make-up tests are difficult to schedule.

*    If you miss an exam, it is your responsibility to see me immediately upon returning to school (not just to class, but to school) to schedule a time to make up the exam. You will never make up an exam during our class period.

*    Expect your make-up time to be during your study period, on the day you return to school.  Be prepared.

*    If you miss your assigned make-up time, you receive a ZERO for the exam.






You receive a cumulative grade at the 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th weeks of each of the two 20-week semesters.  That means that you start fresh at the beginning of each semester.  It also means that everything you do all semester long affects your total grade.


Your grade is figured as a percentage of the total points possible.  For example, if there has been 300 points worth of work, and you earn a total of 248 points, your grade at that point is 83%.  I use the standard scale for A, B, C and F:


A=100-89.5    B=89.4-79.5    C=79.4-69.5    F=69.4 and below






I accept a certain amount of informality for the sake of keeping the class comfortable for everyone.  The purpose of class is for you to learn. It is imperative that you remember that there is a hierarchy in the classroom.  It is I who must have the final word on how things are run and what kind of behavior is acceptable.  Class must be run in a manner which allows everyone to get the most out of class. Here are the guidelines I must insist that you follow:


      *   No rudeness of any kind, at any time--not to me, not to other students. Period.

*   No disrespect of the teacher or other students through your words, actions, manner or tone of voice

*   Do not enter class in a disruptive manner

*   Do not refuse to heed my directives to cease any action

*   Do not joke about being reprimanded, nor about others being reprimanded

*   Do not speak to others during class in a way which distracts anyone in class


Punishment for these behaviors will include being sent out of class.  Should this happen, any work due or assigned that class period will receive a zero, including quizzes or tests. Further disciplinary measures may follow.   Thanks in advance for your understanding that we must have rules in order for class to run smoothly.




Extra Help


If you feel that you are becoming confused, come ask me for help, or ask a classmate who seems to understand.  Remember that doing your homework, participating in class, and taking good notes are the best ways to help keep yourself from becoming confused.  I am always happy to spend extra time with students who first try to help themselves this way.  I also suggest study groups as a means of self-help.  Tutoring can be arranged, but doing homework, participating, taking good notes, and studying with others usually alleviate the need for tutoring. 



Et ça, c’est tout! Bon courage!


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