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Classroom Procedures


My goal is to help my students learn French in a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere through challenging and productive activities. The students play a large role in accomplishing this successfully.  They receive a class policy in the first week of class, and are expected to abide by the rules and procedures it outlines.  They are expected to come to each class prepared for active participation using new and already-introduced French. Therefore, they are required to have with them:


*  a writing utensil

*  a notebook (preferably loose-leaf, to allow for easier organization of handouts and written  notes)

*  all notes from throughout the year

*  all handouts and vocabulary sheets used throughout the year

*  a verb list

*  the textbook








*  Students are strongly urged to buy their own French/English dictionary (from a list of acceptable paperback and hardback choices, provided by the teacher), though a selection of these is available for in-class use. 

*  Students are expected to remain on task at all times, and to conduct themselves in a manner which always shows respect for themselves, their classmates, and their teacher. 

*  Disruptive and disrespectful behavior is not tolerated, nor is lack of preparation for participation in class, and penalties for these negative behaviors are addressed in the class policy. 

*  Homework is accepted at the beginning of each class, from all students who are present and on time.

*  Tardy or absent students may turn in their homework for credit providing they have a verified excuse for their absence or tardiness.


In exchange for the students’ agreeing to, and abiding by, these policies, I promise a creative and challenging learning atmosphere, free of “busy work”, and full of useful and carefully-chosen topics and activities. (for more detailed information, see CLASS POLICY)




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