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If you have no clue, at all what I mean by Net Life, you are not alone. So let me explain quickly egh. Net Life to me, is more or less, my life, or what my life is like with the internet/computers. If you know me well, computers are large part of my life.

If you think that because you talk to me on the internet, you don't know the real me, well you have it backwards. You are more likely to know the real me better if you are the net. I am nothing like the person I protray to be at school. I usually act really retarted, and a lil immature. I give out my true self on the net, becase I find it easier. it is a lot easier to talk to ppl on the net then it is in real life. Plus, people actually listen on the net, I have "friends" at school and in real life that I consider less of a friend then some on the net. If you are one of my friends, don't get the impression its you, its just some. I will NOT say. Anyway, back to my net life egh.

First of all, I have my many webpages that I keep up. My business, or my main graphics page, is Http:// Check it out if you want to see a little of the webpages and stuff that I can make. My personal site, that is totally out of date, and that I made this page for part of, is Http:// I used to keep that up, and I have plans for updating it, but it will be some time before I get to it. If you are wondering how I make my webpages and graphics, let me explain.

First of all, making graphics and webpages is not something I like, or something I am forced to do. It is something I love, more of a passion than anything. Computers in general are my main passion. I love working on them, and have taught myself to do about anything I want with them. I make all my graphics with Jascs' Paint Shop Pro. Although many have told me to switch to Adobe, and I have even used it a lot in my current art class, I still love PSP, and it will probably stick with me for a while. The first version I had was PSP 5.03, then I moved up to 6, and now I have 7 full. Graphics are fun to do, especially when you see something, and your like, I wish i could do this, or that with it. Well, when it comes to graphics, I can do those things that I have always wanted. I create my webpages, with the good old Notepad that is built into every windows system. Thats right, im no gonna use one of those programs, that does half @$$ jobs and messes up all the time. Why do all that work, when typing a few words, and copying a few scripts is easier. I not only know how to copy/paste scripts, I understand the language, and can write it by myself. I need nothing at all, and I can come out with a descent website. All I need is content, and notepad, and the rest is history. Now to the next big subject, my messengers and email.

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