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If you have browsed through some of the other pages, you may already know some of this. If you ever wanna get in contact with me or send me a few emails, My email and MSN Messenger email is Please feel free to email me anything, EXCEPT FWDS. Usually, I do not read the many fwds you people send me, and the likely hood that even if I know its a good one, that I will read it is about 50/50. You will probably have as good of chance finding me on napster as on MSN Messenger, because If im on the computer, im probably on Napster. I have 770 songs, and this has been growing nightly. My name on there is sirmatthew24. I know, all of you who know me are probably tired of this, but hey, its my name, and I have a lil place for it. I actually kind of like it.

My favorite things to do no the net are surf for new programs, and updates. Read about computers and computer parts. Chat with people alread on my messengers(yahoo, MSN), and download music. I used to do a lot more, but I got burnt out on it. I hate chatting unless its a friend I have known for sometime. Although having like 107 people on my yahoo, and almost 50 on my MSN, I don't really need new people to talk to. If I have forgotten my Yahoo name, it is Mattvore24, or Sir_Matthew_24. There ya go, my net life, if you think I forgot something, please email me and say so.

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