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First of all, I would like to tell you, If you don't care for my opinions, hit the back button, and leave. I will share my various opinions on music, I will not hold back, and do not care what you think. This is MY about me, not yours. So please, bare with me.
Ok, I would like to start out with my favorite music player. Winamp is considered by me and many others the Best Music player out there. Not only does it play MP3's, but most any music you can find on the web. I would suggest that you download it, click the button below to do so.

First of all, lets get one thing straight, Rap is not music. Rap is its own category. It sounds nothing like music, seriously. There are also categories of Rap, R&B, hip-hop(kinda). I don't like rap, actually, to tell you the truth, I hate rap. The only weird thing about this, is one of my all time favorite bands is Limp Bizkit, thats right, I love limp bizkit. Their rap is a lot different from conventional rap, and they do have a lot of metal, and the funky stuf is awesome. Sorry, I just think the way Limp Bizkit puts out the music how THEY want it, not how society wants it. We will talk more about them later. Back to the subject, I also like Eminem and the Beastie Boys. I can't stand regular rap, don't like Nelly, and think that Shaggy should get a day job. I hate lil boy and girl groupes(ex.NSYNC, Britney Spears, Kristina Aguilara(howver you spell it)). I can't stand them, they suck, and they think they are pretty, personally I think they are all ugly. Yes even Brittany Spears, and no im not gay, I am definantly for the girls, its just my opinion, so back off. All rap, and lil girl/boy groups are worthless. I consider the sounds they come out with are worthless, and I can't stand them. Now don't get me wrong, I like slow songs, and I like KC & JoJo, and like Boys2men in certian instances. Now we should move on the the kind of music I do like.

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