These pictures were taken on August18/99 near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba,Canada- pop.13000. Portage is 70 kilometers west of Winnipeg,-pop.600,000. I was driving towards the west end of Portage and noticed the contrail pattern. I stopped to observe and could see planes flying a north/south pattern and planes flying a east/west pattern. We normally do not see this amount of trails so close together and so low in altitude. The temperature was +24C and the wind was from the west at about 7 kilometers a hour. I headed home, grabbed a camera and went out to the north end of the city. I used a 50mm lense for most of the pics, a 28mm for one. I started taking pictures around 08:40pm. I saw 5 passes of the planes as they left the trails. The trails just hung in the air, slowly spread out and were drifting east. There were 4-5 planes involved. You could see the planes at times with the naked eye as a large gray planes, heading east, heading west and heading north. I did not see any going south. By the extent of the trails, they were operating for a few hours.Were they contrails or chemtrails?
USA Aviation Weather Data-Aviation Digital Data Service(ADDS):
Contrails will only form into long-lasting visible cirrus-like cloud formations when the air temperature is at -40C/lower and the humidity level is at 70%/greater.
The following two sites will give you the data necessary to determine the humidity levels at altitude. The GOES Atmospheric Sounding will give you the Temperature and Dewpoint Temperatures for the different altitudes at select locations. Then use the Relative Humidity calculator
to find the Humidity levels at altitude. Make sure to change the GOES temperatures from Celcius to Fahrenheit when using the Relative Humidity calculator.
Plot atmospheric sounding from MAPS/RUC Analyses/Forecasts with list of airports
Weather Calculator--National Weather Service-Medford, Oregon
MAPS soundings for Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada
CONTRAIL COMPUTATION ON THE SKEW T DIAGRAM--What are the conditions that will form a contrail
CHEMTRAILS OVER AMERICA---A Special Report--June 05, 2001
A page with a long list of archived radio/net programs from the last two years discussing Chemtrails and want is going on in our sky. Pick a program and have a listen.
A Anti--Chemtrail TV commercial that has been aired at Powel River, British Columbia--have a listen.
In 1991, a practical patent for “stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global
warming” was filed by the Hughes aircraft company. Besides reflecting incoming sunlight,
Welsbach materials are oxides of metals that convert heat trapped by greenhouse gases
near the surface of the earth into far-infrared wavelengths that radiate into space.
The Hughes patent suggests that these very tiny metal flakes could be “added to the
fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine
exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.”
Aluminum oxide can withstand temperatures far higher than jet engine exhausts. While
highly abrasive in larger sizes, a former engineer for Alcoa aluminum says that aluminum
in the 10 to 100 micron sizes called for in the sunscreen patent would simply polish jet
turbine blades without harming them. The engineer added that this “very fine,
talcum-like” aluminum powder would appear as a “pure white plume” in the sky.
US Patent 5003186:Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
A method is described for reducing atmospheric or global warming resulting from the presence of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, i.e., from the greenhouse effect. Such gases are relatively transparent to
sunshine, but absorb strongly the long-wavelength infrared radiation released by the earth. The method incudes the step of seeding the layer
of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere with particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity. Such materials
include Welsbach materials and the oxides of metals which have high emissivity (and thus low reflectivities) in the visible and 8-12 micron
infrared wavelength regions.
GOES Satellite Image of High Altitude Grid-Chemtrails over Wisconsin to Iowa just after sunrise.
Clifford Carnicom`s Chemtrail Message Board
Play the video presentation at the bottom of the page. This taped presentation, which was made in 1985, is included for historical reference purposes only. Since then,
the technology has been developed into more rigorous longitudinal EM wave interferometry, which is the exact
nature of those earlier weather engineering weapons. The foundations of scalar electro-magnetics are well
explained in this presentation. They are able to create LOW pressure weather areas and MOVE the jetstream which can deliver droughts or sever rain/snow storms.
Read some recent Contrail reports from Canada at the Contrail Connection site.
KHOU-May 11, 2000 Houston TV news story about the Chemtrails -RealPlayer audio file only.
C.A.C.T.U.S. (Citizens Against Chemtrails U.S.)
Weather Engineering over North America-Scalar electo-magnetic technologies that are being used to manipulate and control weather patterns since 1968.
A collection of satellite images and gif loops demonstrating CLOUD MOISTURE MANIPULATION over the Pacific Ocean on May 27, 2000.
New Weather Modification Research Papers by Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund
The links within Dr. Eastlund`s page were 404 last time I looked. Here are the first 17 pages that I saved to view.
HAARP-Vandalism In The Sky
HAARP monitor and more HAARP info can be found at --- BROTHER JONATHAN'S GAZETTE
Educate Yourself-Information on Colloidal Silver
Those flu like symptoms won`t go away. This has been effectively used against bacteria and viruses long before the the introduction of pharmacutical antibiotics.
The Contrail Webring
How To Photograph A Chem-Aircraft
Colloidal Silver
A Jeff Rense Sightings interview with Dr. Bart Flick-The Truth About Colloidal Silver -Jan.24,2000
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