Nigerian Dwarf Senior Does |
Woodhaven Farms Moon Dancer *D
AR1690 "E"
Gay-Mor's LT Blue Mariah Carey 2*D

Show record:
2 x Grand Champion, 1 x Best Udder
3 x 1st place |
Birth Date: October 30,1999
HES: 90.6 "Excellent" (90 92 92 90) 7/3/03
Sire: Gay-Mor's T Blue Looneytoons
Dam: Munchranch East Nellie Backata *D AR1553
Mariah is an exceptional doe who's general appearance is hard to
beat. She is a powerhouse standing uphill on a strong set of feet and
legs. She has very good angulation, is flat boned showing tons of
Dairy Character. Her teats are a good milkable length, well placed and
nicely defined. She is a dream to milk, and boy does she milk! Mariah
has not disappointed us. After finishing up her 2002 lactation she was
awarded 5th place in the Michigan Official Milk Test awards. Only 9
does made it to the honorable mention placing and Mariah was in the
Top Five. This doe is one to watch in the up coming show season.
She'll be the one charming whoever she can with her beautiful
Blue Eyes.
This year Mariah Carey has been bred to Kaapio Acre's RA Rocket Man.
We are excited about this breeding as it is combining two of our
nicest lines. We expect to see some very nice kids produced from these
two. |
Gay-Mor's RA Nesselrode *D AR1689
Show record:
1 x Reserve Grand Champion
1 x 1st
Birth Date: March 10, 2000
HES: 89.25 "Very Good" (87 89 95 90) 6/23/02
Sire: Stonewall's Raising Arizona
(Stonewall's Longstreet X Goodwood Penny Lane)
Dam: Gay-Mor Java's Kokoa
(Krossroad Berry's Java Joe X Gay-Mor Raggae's
NestleQuik 2*D)
Nesselrode is a very dairy doe standing uphill with a level topline.
She is long and wide with lots of depth. Her udder is very nice, being
smoothly blended in the fore with soft smooth texture and nice sized
teats. She has very good capacity and is well attached. Nesselrode has
not only earned her milking star with her 2002 lactation but she has
also captured a spot in the Top Five of Michigan's Official Milk Test
Awards. Out of the 9 does who earn a spot on the honor roll,
Nesselrode was placed 3rd. How proud we are of this lovely doe.
We are looking forward to Nesselrode's freshening this spring, she has
been bred to Rosasharn Tom's Keiki Kane *S. This doe has produced some
awesome kids for us to date. We expect that she will continue to do
the same with this breeding.
Twin Creeks LRM Dream About Me

Show Record:
1 x Reserve Grand Champion |
Birth Date: December 13, 2000
HES: 89.35 "Very Good" (89 91 92 88) 7/3/03
Sire: Little Rascals Mufasa "VG"
Dam: MCH Twin Creeks Midsumernitedream 2*D "E"
Show Record:
1 x Reserve Grand Champion
Dream is a very stylish doe being long and level with plenty of
width throughout. She is a very dairy individual standing on a strong
set of legs and feet. We are excited about this doe, we know she will
be an asset to our herd. Thank-you Kellye Bussey for selling her to
We are planning on doing an A.I. breeding with Dream to
Stonewall's Raising Arizona
to freshen in the spring of 2003. |
Goodwood KW Katydid
Birth Date: 1/29/00
HES: 90.55 "Excellent" (90 91 90 91) 7/3/03
Sire: Gay Mor's RA Kingwood +*S
Dam: Goodwood Too Much
Katy is a nicely refined, very dairy doe kid. She is long, level,
wide and has very good body capacity. This little girl is gold and
white. She has very nice feet and legs and we are so excited about
Thank-you Kathleen Claps for selling this awesome little doe to us. |
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