Now Playing: shout out louds
The grocery stores in the small towns around here always have flyers and bulletins posted up. Some of them are sad, some are whatevers and some are just awesome...
I cruised around on the OM Flyer when I went back. I got some sideways glances for sure. As much as I'm into motorcycles, I still felt like an outsider. I guess I should be happy that I can't relate to anyone? I know there are a few people that think like me. I kept thinking of my friends at Biltwell while I was at this lame event. FBM too....Not trying to be a kiss ass but sometimes I wonder if my social awkwardness is all in my own head. Dudes like McGoo, Bill Bryant, Crandall, Kelly Baker and the Cobras (old and new recruits) keep me grounded.
The sound of a Flathead is like the music of no other machine I've heard. Someday I will play more than two chords on the guitar and maybe even be able to tune a Flathead. Not sure dude was stoked that I was creeping in on his bike.
There were some kick ass Hondas there too.
You can't really go wrong with metal flake blue and a PBR tap shifter, but I hate the spike nuts. I also hate Iron Crosses and shitty flame jobs. I'm an opinionated bastard, aren't I? Oh yes, I hate billet mag wheels too.
I got this sweet tat from a dude in the back of a van at Chopper Fest...
Totally kidding, bro. I did get this at Division last week. It's still healing up but I'm stoked on it....
sTAY TUned for this....
Updated: Monday, 28 July 2008 12:37 AM EDT
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