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Thursday, 24 January 2008
snow rolls uphill
Now Playing: Mogwai: Travel is Dangerous

 Jesse from DK is a super cool cat but Catfish maybe doesn't think so. My Video

    I'm tired of snowblowing, driving in the snow, being holed up inside and being cold, but I cut some turns in the fresh pow yesterday morning My Video

   Sean Newton took this photo of Levi when the weather was nice.

It will be nice again. 

I like bikes.

To hell with the rules.







Posted by Deliverance Dude at 7:59 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 24 January 2008 8:14 AM EST
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Thursday, 17 January 2008
sounds good on paper
Now Playing: Lakers vs. Suns

Not sure why, but I have been kind of into basketball lately.  I've always liked it.  It's definitely my favorite "ball" sport.  I think because the dudes actually have style and personality more akin to BMX or skateboarding.  Maybe not.  Shit, who cares.  The Lakers are losing and that makes me happy somehow.

   bike rack outside of Amazing Grace in Louisville, an amazing health food store.   

       I'm on the road.  I'm not even sure where I am right now.  Somewhere in Indiana.  Gas City?  It's near Fairmont, the home of James Dean.  Again, you've tuned into the "who gives a shit channel".    When I left home yesterday it was 16 degrees with lots of snow.  On this same trip at this same time of year in the past, I've been pleasantly surprised by the time I got further south that it was significantly warmer and without snow on the ground.  Such was the case yesterday.  I got to Louisville and it was pushing 40 and nice out.   I met up with Ernesto from Dans to do some real work but  only after an awesome dinner with Ernesto's wife Beth, Ernesto and Leland from Shitluck.  Ernesto was picking up a bunch of the Shitluck/United collaboration frames for Dans.  I helped him load them in his car, but didn't actually see a frame.  I did see one in Ride UK though and it looked kick ass.  What I did see was the new Mutiny HD DVD Stoked on Being Pumped and Animal's Don't Quit Your Day Job 2, both of which were awesome in their own opposite-ends-of-the-spectrum way.

     Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning it looked like this

out back of Ernesto's house.

and definitely was not 40 degrees and nice.  I've been really lucky in the past with Louisville trips (I go there a few times a year for work) and I can only think of one other time that I wasn't able to ride a little bit at least.  Last year at this time Davey Coop and rode in arctic temps but did ride regardless.   Speaking of Davey, he has a nice write up and photos on the Team Young site.  It's good to see some action over there again.

Burger King is my go-to fast food with the Veggie Whopper, but vending machine Burger King snacks is an all-time low.

          I had a long day today of working and  driving but by this evening I found my way to the born-again Just Ride skatepark (now) in Muncie, Indiana.  The park isn't finished but it is operative and it is going to be fircking awesome when it's done.  It's awesome now.

     GoGo Reily sent these links to an ancient interview with yours truly.  It's kind of crazy how much of a kook I was and how much of a kook I still am in many of the same ways. This was in Invert magazine in 1990.  Invert was kind of a predecessor to Ride UK.



Posted by Deliverance Dude at 11:36 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 18 January 2008 12:11 AM EST
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Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Deliverance International Inc.

I don't even know how they find it, but there are some readers of this mess from far off lands.  Shout outs to GoGo Reilly and Team Sano across ye old Atlantic  and Paulo from Portugal.   Hell  yeah.

    This is my new "business" card.

My wife pointed out that I "gave myself hair", as if that were the most absurd thing about this.



Posted by Deliverance Dude at 1:55 PM EST
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Monday, 14 January 2008
mother do you think they'll try to break my balls

mother can you help build the wall?

   Sorry, a little Pink Floyd reference for you there.  My mother didn't help me, but I did build a wall (ride) in the Deliverance training facility just now.  This photo is from a few weeks ago, but there is now a wall on top of this ramp...

It's pretty close to the ramp, but it was good to get going on wall-rides again.  I haven't done one in a long time.  Sean Newton took that photo, by the way.

      The backlash to the post below has been minimal, but I have no one to blame but myself.  

    Congratulations to good friend Jason Burton and his wife heather on the birth of lil' baby Jenson Burton!

   Some of you will find this amusing.  Yes, I am the winner of this item. 




Posted by Deliverance Dude at 10:30 PM EST
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Thursday, 10 January 2008
take it


Posted by Deliverance Dude at 3:18 PM EST
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Wednesday, 9 January 2008
point and shoot
Now Playing: My Morning Jacket

A busy ass week is back under control and I'm finally taking a breath.   I did get to ride the new and improved TRP on Sunday night.  There is lots of new, fun stuff in the street area and more on the way.  Michigan legend Jason Suchen is the head mofo in charge now and seems to be doing things the the right way.   There were tons of people riding and skating so things are looking good so far.


That bike would fetch a mint on Ebay.  Dang.

      I like to practice taking photos with the pause button.  I've done this for years with bike and skate videos, where you try to pause the shot at the peak of action, just like taking a photograph.  You can't cheat and slo-mo it either.  With DVRs, you can do the same thing.  This shot of James Stewart was taken during the season opener for this year's AMA Supercross series. 

  James finished an astounding 2nd place after going down in the first turn.  Lucky ass Chad Reed won.  I guess there's more to luck to winning the Anaheim Supercross but he's lucky Bubba went down.

      Davey Coop, Joe Gall and Rusty Keys took a trip to Austin during the holidays.  Apparently, it didn't go so well.  Here's Davey's summary:

 2 bruised hip and road rash
separated clavicle
partially torn ligaments
bashed out drivers side window
stolen radio
stolen ipod
stolen rusty keys 4 day old ipod
stolen joe gall 6 day old $700 tomtom navigation system

      Keep in mind that the broken into car was Davey's new (to him) Audi.  Shitty New  Year to you too.  Get well soon, buddy.






Posted by Deliverance Dude at 10:20 PM EST
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Thursday, 3 January 2008
Unhappy Anniversary

This week marks the one year anniversary of the passing of Glenn Seals.  I still remember how stoked Glenn was when I told him we were moving back to Kalamazoo.  He was excited to have another person to ride with.   It's really sad that there is one less person now.   You're forever in our hearts, Glenn.  We miss you.


Posted by Deliverance Dude at 11:30 PM EST
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Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Out with a bang
Now Playing: Joy Division: Interzone

Happy New Year amigos.   2007 was crazy and I'm looking forward to starting a fresh new year.  We ended 07 with a bang by taking a little trip to Ohio.  My wife is understanding of my BMX obsession and I thank her for that.  A lot of other wives are too, apparently, because a whole crew of us descended upon Ray's in Cleveland on Thursday afternoon.  Kelly Baker and his son Benny came in from Newark Valley, NY, Solan, Chris Yankee, Phil Race and their buddy Deano came in from Detroit.   Big James and Getting big Tyler Brichard came in from the Eastside of MI as well.  Afro Pat rode his bike there.  Jim Hill and Tommy Riggle are locals but definitely bros.  Rays is so fun and it was great to get out and get some riding done with some of my real deal friends.  I made the trek by myself but the drive was nothing.  I look forward to driving sometimes.  Here's the story in photographs...

A solid crew, (L-R) Yankee Peddler, Benny Baker, S. Foster, captain bumble bee.

I remember when Tyler Brichard was real small and all over the place. One time I ran into him really hard and I felt so bad.  He remembers it too, apparently, because he brought it up at Rays.  He's big now and going big as well.

Tyler's Dad James blew out his knee two weeks ago playing dodgeball (not making that up) and wasn't going to ride.  Tobaggan with a three-way knee against doctor's orders.

Benny and Kelly Baker lead a hot lap through the most popular section (at least for us this day) at Rays.

Chris Yankee with the patented Shrimp Cocktail air.  Chris is one of the most unique individuals I've ever known and he is awesome.  I can't get enough of riding with him.

Solan took time out from passing dudes in the turns to vibe the camera.    Photos were taken by whomever was not riding at the moment so I have no idea who took any of these.

Although I think Phil took this one of me.

And I'm pretty sure James took this one of Friendly Phil, front-flippin' into the foam.  Not bad for a 39.9 year old father of two.


Pat's helmet is older than Solan but his style is timeless.  Pat is good at flatland.  At least he was in the 90s. 


One of the best things about trips like this is seeing old friends and making new ones.  Here's my new buddy, Benny Baker.  As cool as they get.  Akron outdoor in low-temps.

And here's Benny's pops, Kelly, lip-sliding the bowl at Derby Downs in Akron.   It was cold as crap, but totally worth the price of admission.

Jason Burton made the drive down on day two to ride Chenga Brook Park.  Unfortunately for him, he got there after all the kids, but he got right to work getting radical.  His wife is due with a new baby any minute now.  She wins  "most understanding of her husband's obsession" award for sure.

Benny, Kelly and I got to Chenga right when it opened and there were only a few people there.  Here's Benny, charging one of the many hips.

The first time I hit this hip I did a table that felt so awesome.   I saw the flash go off right when I left the ground, so I'll just have to remember how cool that first one felt and might have looked.  I cracked under pressure every time afterward.  Oh yeah, Kelly took this shot.

Here's Jason with a styley 180 up the box.  One second later a kid on a Next with four pegs slid out in front of him and asked Jason what kind of bike he was riding.  The End.


 Also, please check out the link in the "comments" in the post below.  It is amazing.


Posted by Deliverance Dude at 10:17 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 January 2008 10:53 PM EST
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Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Pay up Pal
There has been an awesome response to the new tees and lots of requests to purchase them.  You can send $20 (that will cover postage) for one shirt and $15 for each additional shirt, via Paypal to  and I'll ship them out. Please specify size.  thanks!

Posted by Deliverance Dude at 11:16 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 26 December 2007 11:17 PM EST
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Thursday, 20 December 2007

  I was fortunate enough to visit the Beautiful Losers art exhibition in Cincinnati a couple years ago.  It was a full-on museum exhibition of artists from the skateboarding community, people who have influenced me more than I can put into words, my people, and it was incredible.  There were drawings and wall paintings and paper zines and skateboards and sculptures and wooden installations by people like Mark Gonzales, Andy Jenkins, Chris Johanson, CR Stecyk, Raymond Pettibone, Ed Templeton and Neil Blender, among dozens of others.  If you google some of those names and check out their art, you just might declare Deliverance a total sham.  The first time I went to the exhibit, it was crowded and there was a skate demo going on.  I wanted to see more.  I was back in the area a month later and went again, by myself (the only way to take in such a spectacle, in my opinion).  I felt moved and inspired and even a little bit proud.  I'm not on the level of these people, but I am involved in it.  I have some of the skateboards, some of the art and even  a couple of the zines from the 80s.  I have it all in my head and it comes out in sharpies and spray paint.  There is a movie about it all, and you can check out the trailer here.  

     The new Deliverance shirts are here.  It's been over a year since there has been a new shirt design.  Some clothing company I have going here, huh?  Hence the change to "Project".   Every shirt, hat and sticker that I've done in the past, when I first see the finished product, I immediately find something (or lots of things) about it that I don't like.   You are your own worst critic, you know?  I've learned a lot over the years and beyond that, have a really good printer now, in American Icon (same dudes that print FBM, Animal, Shitluck and tons of others).  I couldn't be happier with how these came out.

Never Surrender

All I know

      The "Never Surrender" graphic is one of the very first designs I did for Deliverance, back in 2002.   I cleaned it up and straightened it out (it was really lop-sided) and added the motto at the bottom as a kind of celebratory statement regarding five years of existence and a lifetime of giving a shit about this stuff.   The "All I know" design I scribbled on the back of an envelope a long time ago.  My friend Todd Britton asked more than once if I was going to use it for a shirt.  Sometimes I overlook the obvious, I guess.  I like the asthetic and the "This is all I know" part is lifted from Robbie Morales in Road Fools 2.  I always think of that line.  When my wife saw the shirt she said "that's appropriate".  Ha ha. I'll have to send Rob-O a shirt.



Posted by Deliverance Dude at 11:57 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 20 December 2007 12:17 PM EST
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