The Cancerous
by Andy Zarowny

It's Night 30 and our merry bunch of survivors have given Candice the boot.
Well, not all did so, and not all or so merry.  Candice's pals, boy-toy Adam
and ring-bait Parvati are sad.  Jonathan is happy to have survived Tribal
Council.  Things had gotten very ugly, with the three ex-Raros calling Jon
a rat and a cancer, amongst other nastiness.  But Jon is undeterred by all
of this and has no intention of permitting them from derailing his prospects
for advancing further in The Game.

Day 31 and while the boys are out fishing, the ladies are busy chopping
coconuts.  Parvati uses a machete and suddenly… OUCH!!!  She strikes her
left thumb, splitting it open halfway down the nail.  Medics are called in and
determine that she needs more than a bandage.  She gets stitches along
with shots for numbing the thumb and to fight bacteria. 

It's Reward Challenge time.  Jeff inquires Parvati if she can get her thumb
wet, which she can a little bit.  Today's prize will be a boat ride to a local
island and participation in a native water-blessing ritual, followed by a feast.
But there's one more surprise, or maybe seven more.  Out from the jungle
emerges Jonathan's wife, Stacey!!!  Next is Parvati's dad, followed by
Adam's dad, Becky's sister, Yul's brother, Ozzy's mom and Sundra's mom!
That's right, it's the seasonal Survivor's Loved-Ones Challenge.  The winner
gets to take their loved one with them on the reward, as well as participate
in the challenge itself.  Speaking of which, the challenge is a watery one.
Survivors are to scoop up water from the shore with small buckets while
blindfolded.  They must then toss the water to their loved ones who try to
catch the water with an equally small bucket.  The goal is to fill a large buc-
ket attached on a pivot to a flag.  First team to fill the bucket enough to
raise their flag wins. 

The challenge is a fun and messy one.  The loved ones try to guide their
survivors to help catch the most water.  Nobody is making much progress
at first.  But then innovation takes over.  Stacey figures out that she can
get more water from Jon if he tosses the water right at her.  Ozzy's mom
follows suit and both ladies get drenched, but begin to put decent loads of
water in their main buckets.  Parvati connects with her dad several times
to get them into contention.  Stacey then adds another twist, or two, by
wringing out her soaked t-shirt into the large bucket.  She even wrings out
her soaked hair!  Jon's and Parvati's buckets begin to tilt and flags rise.
Parvati connects with her dad and he fills the bucket enough to win!  She
naturally selects Jonathan to go to Exile Island.  Her dad then selects Adam
and his dad and Sundra and her mom to join them for the feast.  Jeff let's
them know that the boat to take them will arrive at camp in a couple hours.

The gang and the winners loved ones arrive back at camp.  After a tour, they
do some more bonding and help out with a few chores.  Ozzy wonders why
he is bothering to feed these people?  When the winners depart for their
feast,  Ozzy, Yul and Becky plan for a feast of their own.  The winners are
greeted by the natives flowers and song.  Inside a large cave lies a pool of
very clear and clean water.  A ceremony of blessing the water with scented
oil takes place, followed by everyone jumping in.  Sundra is most impressed
with the culture.  Finally comes the food …, fried chicken, meatloaf, biscuits
and apple pie.  Yum-yum!

Day 32 and Ozzy raises the issue of extending the Jonathan Doctrine with
Yul and Becky.  He doesn't see why he needs to feed Adam and Parvati,
thus helping them to win challenges.  Yul and Becky agree and they decide
to hide the coconuts.  But this all changes when the boat returns Adam,
Sundra and Parvati.  They brought leftovers from the feast for the rest.  They
all seem to get along fine without Jonathan around.  Hmmmmmm!

Day 33 and it's time for the Immunity Challenge.  Jonathan returns from
Exile Island and is greeted with cold shoulders.  Hmmmmmmm!   The event
is simple, swim out to a platform and cross a floating obstacle course,
then swim some more to fetch two bundles, one at a time, of sticks.  Once
both bundles are on the beach, the first to assemble a long pole and hook
two large rings wins.  This challenge has Ozzy's name all over it.  He out
swims the rest, has great balance and dexterity over the obstacle course,
and build a huge lead on the others.  Yul and Jonathan are way behind, but
the rest get lapped by Ozzy as he proceeds to be first on the beach with his
two bundles.  Yul manages to start working on his pole but Ozzy finishes
his and easily wins.

Back at camp, Jonathan gets the silent treatment.  He follows Becky and
Sundra as they scamper off for firewood.  Jon asks if they are still cool and
they answer, "Yeah".  Hmmmmmmm!   Meanwhile, Adam is working on Yul
to get Jonathan booted.  Jon then has his shot at Yul, reminding him that
he owes Jon big-time!  Yul tells Uncle cameraman he feels like the Godfather
planning the next hit.  LOL!  Yul and Ozzy discuss the situation.  It can go
either way as far as Ozzy's concerned.  He doesn't like Jon or Adam.

A Tribal Council, Candice throws Adam a big smile as she makes her way
to the jury bench.  Parvati talks about how happy she was to win the reward.
Adam says that being sent to Exile Island now is damaging.  Parvati explains
why she chose Jonathan for being Exiled.  Even Ozzy throws in his two
cents saying it was nice not having Jonathan around.  Hmmmmm!  Jon and
Adam spar again.  Adam says that Jonathan doesn't deserve to be here.
Jonathan says that he saved the ex-Aitus from being Pagonged.  Yul puts a
different spin on things, bringing up that he has the immunity idol and that
it was HE who saved Jonathan!  Hmmmmmm!  It's time to vote.  Jonathan
votes to boot Adam, the rest unanimously vote to ditch Jon, who forgot to
bring his hat to TC.  As Jon takes his walk of shame, Jeff chides the gang
that Jon trusted his alliance, and if they can turn on him, nobody is safe.

SPOILERS:  Adam and Parvati plot on how to stay in The Game.  Yul plots
with Becky about getting rid of Ozzy.  LOL!  I guess Jeff is right once again!


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Survivor:  Cook Islands