Reality Bites,
by Andy Zarowny

We begin this week's episode on the 27th Night.  The Aitutonga Tribe returns
to camp after a shocking Tribal Council.  Jonathan had flipped his alliance
with the ex-Raros and voted with the ex-Aitus to boot Nate.  Jon tries to ex-
plain to Candice, Adam and Parvati that Yul had the secret Immunity Idol and
had Jon voted the Raro way, it would've have meant that he would've been
voted off instead of Yul.  But the ex-Raros aren't buying it.  They do not be-
lieve that Yul has the idol. 

Day 28 and Parvati FINALLY decides that it MIGHT be a GOOD IDEA to learn
how to clean fish!  LOL!!!  Maybe she'll open up a sushi bar after her boxing
career is over?  Jonathan finds her new found interest phony and still thinks
she's a lazy bum.  He even throws in that if she were to actually win the mil-
lion dollars, the money would ruin her life.  He then describes to his new
pals, the ex-Aitus, that the Raro Tribe was little more than a clown house.
Jonathan is just too funny, and too right!

It's time for the Reward Challenge and it's a seasonal favorite, the Survivor
Auction.  Each player gets $500 dollars to use.  Bidding is in $20 increments.
Players may share money to help others win an auction, but the prizes may
not be shared.  First item is an unknown and Jon wins it for $100.  Turns out
to be a hotdog with fries and cold beer.  Yummy!  Jeff shows the gang the
next item, a bathtub filled with hot water and bubbly soap.  The prize in-
cludes a giant slice of chocolate cake!  Parvati wins it all for $360.  Jeff then
holds up an envelope which he says contains something which will give the
winner power in The Game.  The bidding is hot and Becky borrows cash
from Yul to win it for $640.  The ex-Raros wonder why Becky wants this so
badly since the ex-Aitus have a numerical superiority.  Yul lets them know
that it goes beyond that, since he has the secret Immunity Idol.  Jeff is sur-
prized that Yul admits to this now.  The ex-Raros don't believe Yul till he
takes it out of his pouch and shows it.  Becky's power message is that she
must choose one person to send immediately to Exile Island AND gets to
take all of that person's remaining money.  Naturally, Becky selects Candice
to be exiled, AGAIN!  The next item is an ice cream machine.  Jeff tells them
whoever wins will be allowed to eat all the ice cream they want for the re-
mainder of the auction.  Ozzy wins this prize for $420.  Another mystery dish
is bid on, which Jonathan wins for $240.  It turns out to be a large pepperoni
and cheese pizza.  While Jonathan pigs out on pizza, another mystery dish
is bid on, which Sundra wins for $140.  It's the gag prize of the auction, a
lowly sea cucumber!  The last item up are toothbrush, toothpaste and
mouthwash, which Jonathan wins for $100.  With everything he ate, he
needed it the most.

Day 29 and Jonathan is irritating everyone with his belching and talk of how
much food he ate.  Even the ex-Aitus are annoyed and they reconsider keep-
ing him around.  Parvati and Adam conspire to exploit the sistuation.  She
tries to pal-it-up with the Aitu ladies.  Jonathan notices this lame attempt
and starts to worry about his position.  On Exile Island, Candice cries.  She
misses Adam and needs a hug.  She suspects that she'll be the next to be

Day 30 and tree-mail announces that the next Immunity Challenge will in-
volve remembering events of the past 29 days.  Adam is determined to win
in order to screw with Jonathan.  At the IC, Jeff details the event.  A series
of four questions of past events each have a numerical answer, such as
how many people attended the native feast?  The answers are then plugged
into a math equation where the first two answers are added and the last two
are subtracted.  The final number is then matched with a box.  Inside the
boxes are either a key, in the correct answer, or blanks of useless metal.
The first three to answer correctly and use their keys to release a flag will
move on to the final round.  Parvati is first, followed by Adam and Jonathan.
The final round is the same as the first, but this time the key is used to un-
lock a gate guarding an obstacle course.  The first person to traverse the
course wins immunity.  Adam gets his key first and wins immunity easily.

Back at camp, Candice is distressed that Jonathan will go further in The
Game than she will.  The ex-Raros try to convince the ex-Aitus that to keep
Jonathan around will have ramifications.  Yul will be held accountable to
The Jury as the ringleader.  Jon returns from fishing and overhears the last
part of the discussion.  When he goes off for firewood, Yul answers the ex-
Raros that he knows how Jonathan thinks and can handle him.  Sure, he's
a rat, but he's also rational, which Yul probably finds rather refreshing after
a few day with the clown house gang.  While the ex-Raros have a cuddle
session in the shelter, the ex-Aitus cook up the fish Jon caught.  Jon knows
that the Raros are playing the rat card so he plays the lazy card and asks if
the ex-Aitus have any objections to not sharing their meal with his enemies.
Ozzy has no problem at all, as he thinks the Raros are lazy bums, too.  The
rest agree and the chow down on the fish.  Candice notices that the others
are eating and wonders why nobody told them that the food is ready?  When
she confronts them, Candice is rebuffed by Jonathan for being lazy and
manipulative.  Candice thinks it's tacky that she and her friends are being
denied a meal.  This causes Yul to weigh the issue of appeasing The Jury
and booting Jonathan now instead of later.

At Tribal Council, all hell breaks loose as lines in the sand are drawn.  Becky
defends her choice in sending Candice to Exile Island.  Ozzy describes the
decision to not share fish with the ex-Raros.  Jonathan is tired of supporting
the lazy bums and feels his ethics are sound.  Adam throws insults at Jon
and Yul.  Yul defends the decision and says that Raro is not being honest.
Candice says that The Jury must know how ugly things are.  It's time to
vote.  Candice, Adam and Parvati vote against Jonathan, the rest send
Candice packing, but not till after a long kiss with Adam.  Jeff quips that if
Adam really loved her, he would've given her the Immunity Necklace.  LOL!!!

SPOILERS:  Parvati cuts herself while doing WORK.  Jonathan cautions Yul
about being swayed by the ex-Raros threats. 


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 12
Season 11
Season 10
Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS, SEG or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Survivor:  Cook Islands