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---:: What's new in my life? ::---

Friday, February 22: Happy birthday Bro! =] Yeah, it's my brother's birthday today...22! Had a half day today, which was sooo sweet. Geology, A+ Cert, and then home. I keep telling myself I'm going to clean my room today, but like my 'site, I just keep on ignoring the whole darn mess. Ah wells. Turtle elation, as usual...when AREN'T I all about the turtles?

Thursday, February 21: Half day, but I stayed home anywho. ::Shrug:: I didn't feel like going, to tell the truth. Hung out with Dad. Helped him grocery shop at Meijers (haha, saw Jon again...that bugger better watch out next fall!). Then proceeded to watch the first 3 volumes (6 episodes) of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Pointed stick, pointed stick! I so want to pull one of their skits in my 8th hour. Mwah hah hah.

Wednesday, February 20: Poetry club...blah, we didn't do much. Basically I just commented on how I probably wouldn't be able to help with the poetry workshops, because Ms. K will only do it during prep, which is during my 7th hour...A+ Cert! Like hell I'm missing that! The class is hard enough as it is for me (all that computer jargon), I don't want to have to attempt to make it up on my own. Crudzilla. Poetry workshop sounded fun too! No complaining here though...I picked up issue #2 of the new TMNT series. Freakin A! So keen. =]

Tuesday, February 19: Aparations, HO! I picked up my copy of issue #1 of the new TMNT series today. ::Laughs:: The comic book guy (insert Simpsons theme song here, ita?) was suprised to see me, considering he called my house before I got out of school to let me know the comic was in. What can I say, I'm a Toadie AND a Turtleoid. Kicken.

Monday, February 18: Gung-ho Planatarium field trip! Very sveet, so awsome. Not to mention, it got me out of 6th hour, but we won't talk of that. Mwahaha. Odd bus trip...A.J. was bouncing (literally) everywhere. Scary, terrifying I tell ya! Hahaha, Amazon...Grasshopper is just scared that he'll get his butt kicked by a girl! Elbow-jabbing supreme, yet again.

Sunday, February 17: Mikey came over...AND I got a new matress and boxspring. (They're blue...yeah buddy!) How do I rate? Picked up new shoes more stinky Payless crap! They're all keen and such. =]

Saturday, February 16: Yeeeeah, I did absolutely nothing today. I'm sure it was something, but of such little consequence, that it's not even worth mentioning. Joy to the woooorld, Dionysis is drunk, the Cheeze-Itz have....arrived!

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