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---:: Basics ::---
Name: Lindsay
Nicknames: Linds, Delina, Squeeker, Dobes, Grasshopper
Birthday: March 11...yes I'm a Pisces, could ya tell?
Height: 5'4"
Calendar: Harry Potter!
Pets: Garlic and Sunshine
Weird but cool oddity: I have 3 birthmarks in the shape of Orion's Belt on my shoulder
State of room: Creative...that is to say, a mess!
Has always wanted to be: a beatnik poet
Hobbies: Too Many! Working on this damned thing I call a webpage, harassing the locals, attempting to lead the Shakespeare Club, writing in fragmented sentences (hehe, just ask my 8th hour teacher).

---:: Random Things ::---
Theme Song: "Politically Correct" by SR-71
Mousepad Scene?: A gargoyle, head in hands, sticking out his tongue
Coolest Present?: A cassette of the TMNT Coming Out Of Their Shells tour, and a huge stuffed Mickey Mouse.
Moniter weirdness?: There are shiny planetary stickers all around the front of my compy moniter, and Obi (stuffed monkey) and Doby (beanie baby dog) sit on top.
Idols: John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Page, Raphael and Donatello (the Ninja Turtles)
Coolest TMNT item: My Don poster from the first movie. He's leaning on a wooden fence with a piece of straw in his mouth and a straw hat on his head.
On-going Project: Working on the puzzle in the Art room during lunches.
---:: Favorites ::---
Hobbit: Samwise Gamgee
Disney Character: Huey, Duey, and Louie
Cartoon: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Album Cover:'s a Toad the Wet Sprocket cd
Artist: Jackson Polluck
Color: Midnight Blue
Movie: Dead Poets Society
Book: Sword of Shanarra and Mists of Avalon
Song: "Walk on the Ocean", "Silo Lullaby", "Whatever I Fear", "Little Buddha", "The Battle of Evermore", "Sunday Bloody Sunday"
Band: Toad the Wet Sprocket
Quote: "Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be safely and quietly insane, every night of our lives." -William Clemmens Dement
Concert: Celebration on the Grand, 2001
Sound: Rain...whether it's sprinkling or pouring, it doesn't matter
Play: King Lear

---:: Little-Known Facts ::---
I like Techno music, specifically The Crystal Method.
Sometimes I'll slip, and use early 90s lingo every which way. (Remember TMNT? Heh, that's it.)
I know all of the words to "Pizza Power" and the TMNT theme song.
I own a skateboard...made many attempts, but it's just not working.
The reason I got into choir 7 years ago was because they screwed up my scheduale, when I was supposed to be in band. And I'm still in choir! Weird.

This website is copyright 2001.

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