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Assessment Measures and Treatment Tools

Rosenberg Assessment and Treatment Tools

-Rosenberg Historical Risk Assessment for Sexual Offenders
-Relapse Prevention Plan for Sexual Offenders
-Projective Measures
-Evaluation of Treatment Progress
-Self Esteem
-Periodic Family Assessment Scale
-Rosenberg's Training Outline for Sex Offender Therapists
-Rosenberg Sexual Deviance Deception Assessment
-Sexual Interest and Deviancy Assessment
-Rosenberg Erotic Sentence Completion Task
-Sex Offense and Development Assessment

Rosenberg Historical Risk Assessment Scale: This scale has been developed to assess future risk for sexual deviation. It is divided into 5 subscales which will inform you of the particular areas of risk. These scales are only intended to be administered one time, approximately 2 months after the initiation of treatment, as will assess risk based on historical information. The risk level is intended to be an approximate range of future risk if the offender fails to produce meaningful change in treatment. This scale has yet to be standardized.

Relapse Prevention Plan: This individualized relapse prevention plan works well with adolescent and adult sexual offenders. The plan breaks down the offenders behaviors and patterns, cognitive distortions, and feelings. It also provides support, risk-free activities, and more.

Projective Measures: We have created various projective stories which pull for themes such as victimization, empathy, and offending. These tools work very well for children, adolescents, and adults.

Evaluation of Treatment Progress: This measurement tool is intended to be completed with the client and therapist, and should detail the client's progress thus far in treatment. It is based off of 10 treatment criterion, and is an objective way of informing the client how he/she is doing.

Self Esteem Exercise: Poor self esteem and self image are highly linked to sexual offending. This exercise helps the client to understand these concepts and how they relate to sexual offending. Also very good for understanding the genesis of self-esteem.

Periodic Family Assessment Scale: This scale is intended for family members to evaluate the client. It works very well with child, adolescent, and adult offenders.

Rosenberg's Training Outline for Therapists: This outline details all the information, training, resources, and concepts for sex offender treatment. It is a must for any professional who is working with victims or offenders.

Rosenberg Sexual Deviance Deception Assessment: This tool is designed to assess whether a sex offender is being deceptive about his/her sexual history, sexual interests, sex offense, etc. A remarkable tool that many clinicians have found valuable.

Sexual Interest and Deviancy Assessment: This assessment is a unique and informative method of obtaining an offender's sexual interest, knowledge, and history of offending. It is also used to covertly assess his/her deviant behavior.

Rosenberg Erotic Sentence Completion Task: This is a projective measure specifically designed for sexual offenders, sexual deviants, and sexual abuse victims. It pulls for themes of sexual deviancy, sexual knowledge, and more. It can create insights for the clinician in a neutral fashion that greatly assists in assessment and treatment planning.

Sexual Offense and Development Assessment: This is a thorough assessment of the offender's sexual offense and sexual development. It is a terrific tool for new therapists as well as veterans.

Matthew Rosenberg has developed over 100 assessment tools and treatment exercises for sexual offenders and victims. Many of these tools are in Mr. Rosenberg's new Workbook, "Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Sexual Offenders: Tools for the Therapist". Understanding, Assessing, & Treating Sexual Offenders: Tools for the Therapist.

Links to other sex offender assessments and services

Abel Screen
Clarke Sex History Questionnaire (SHQ-R)
Cross-Validation of the Minnesota Sex Offender Screening Tool
Static 99
Sex Offender Needs Assessment Rating (SONAR)

Many researchers and therapists have yearned for methods of measuring the sex offenders physical response to deviant sexual stimuli, and during the past 30 years various methods have been created and refined. The polygraph is utilized frequently in sex offender treatment to substantiate what the offender is stating is true. Moreover, it is used periodically to assess the progress of treatment and the lowering of deviant sexual thoughts and behaviors. Many times the awareness of the polygraph, without actual administration, helps work through denial and aids in disclosure.

The penile plethysmograph is an instrument which measures the penile arousal level while the offender is exposed to various visual and auditory stimuli. An instrument is attached to the base of the penis and measures the circumference of the penis. Again, specialists utilize this measure to assess the offender's arousal to deviant stimuli. One notable problem is that just because someone may become aroused to various deviant stimuli does not necessarily imply that that person will actually physically engage in such behavior. If this were the case, we would live in a society filled with chaos. Imagine if all the people who enjoy very violent movies went around killing following the viewing. Researchers are continuing to explore which people will actually act on those deviant impulses.

Psychosexual Evaluations

A psychosexual assessment is an evaluation that focuses on an individuals sexual development, sexual history, paraphilic interests, sexual adjustment, risk level, and victimology. It also includes a full social history, familial history, employment/school history, case formulation, and specific treatment recommendations. The evaluation greatly assists attorneys and courts (prior to sentencing for adults), foster care and social service agencies that work with sexually reactive children or children who have been sexually abused, and others.

Who could benefit from psychosexual evaluations?
-Individuals who have been charged with sexual crimes, children who have displayed inappropriate sexual behaviors, children and adults who have been sexually abused in the past, sexual addicts, defense and prosecuting attorneys, group homes, schools, detention facilities, social services, foster care providers, residential facilities.

How long does the evaluation usually take?
-A full psychosexual evaluation usually takes four hours--two hours for the interview, and two hours for the administration of various assessment measures. The report is typically 9-12 pages in length, and is peer reviewed prior to completion.

What are the fee's involved for the psychosexual evaluation?
-Rosenberg & Associates psychosexual evaluation fee is set at $600.00. Contact Mr. Rosenberg for more details.

For more information on Mr. Rosenberg's assessment measures, please contact him via email.