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Anthony Hoong

CRN: 21107

Chapter 10

            The NFL football team, the Vikings has many multimedia features on the web site.  People who visit the sites must be from Minnesota or a Vikings fan because the team represents Minnesota.  Also this site may attract male audiences who watch a lot of football and want to see the scores and highlights.  When you first open the website the background is purple because it’s their team color and the audience would see some jerseys that they might want to purchase.  On the websites they have a slideshow of the events that has happened.  Vikings fans can read about their star quarterback Brett Favre on the news section of this websites.  Fans can also keep up with the Vikings schedule on this website and also even purchase tickets to the game.  My personal favorite is the videos that they have on the website, its short three minute clips.  I like watching the top ten plays that they had because their amazing catches and great game endings for the Vikings.  I think this site is very effective because there is almost everything a fan needs to know about its team.

            Basketball one of my favorite team is the Boston Celtics.  There are pictures of the Boston team and their team symbol.  Viewers of this website maybe people from Boston or just a fan of the Boston Celtics.  Some people want to follow up on a particular athlete like Kevin Garnet because his defense is amazing to watch.  Fans that want to go see a game can view the schedule incase they are coming to your town and fans can purchase a ticket.  For example if they were playing the Lakers I would buy a ticket and cheer the Boston Celtics on at staple Center.  There are interviews with the team why they lost the game or what did they do to win in the game.  I like watching the videos when I haven’t seen the results of the game when it’s down to the last second.  Fans can purchase Boston Celtics Jerseys of their favorite player.  I think this site is great because I didn’t know they lost to the suns because I am too busy with school work sometimes I don’t have time to watch the game.

            People who watch television shows on channel five the CW may want to go onto their website.  The site has a lot of pictures of television shows that are on the CW.  I think this site attracts people from age fourteen to thirty if they have time to watch television.  This site has a TV guide which will give the audience a scope of what is going to happen in the next episode.  There are short previews of the next episode also and fans can watch their favorite shows that they might have missed on this website.  School always comes first that’s why sometimes I don’t have time to watch some of my favorite shows.  I think this site is very good for people who don’t have the time to watch their shows.  This site is great because it’s easy to navigate and helps fans catch up with their shows.


