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Munky's Outlaw Armory

For when your all outta ammo and you have nothin' left but your brutely fists. For "Bloody" Mary and Cheif Two Feathers this can be somewhat useful because of there strength. If your one of the other characters or a newbie though, I would suggest going and looking for some ammo. If you like to take a little risk, press 1, and bring on the the boxing.
This can be a deadly weapon if you use it with the right person and the right way. The pistol is ideal for Sanchez or Dr. Death because they let the lead fly so fast. If your going to use the pistol with someone like James or the Cheif, you had better hope the person is running low on life and your a good aim.
This is an extremely deadly weapon long range with just about any character. Although the rifle has been mastered by James, it is still a very useful weapon with any character. If you get in a situation where you have your rifle out in a close quarters area, don't worry. The rifle is still very affective here, just keep your cool and aim your best.
When you want the shots to count, you can't go wrong with the shotgun. You need to have a fast finger and a good aim to be real efficient with it though. The best character for the shotgun is "Bloody" Mary. Not only does se start out with the shotgun but she seems to be the most powerful with it, usually killing you within one shot.
Double Barrel Shotgun
This weapon seems to be very useful with most of the people I play with but I myself would rather have a single barrel. You have the choice to fire two shells simultaneously or shoot each shell seperately. But if you feel like you need more than just one barrel, give the double barrel a try.
This weapon is outlawed in most games that you'll find yourself playing, but if you get the chance, take full advantage of it. This is the most deadly close range gun that you can get in the game. It's a sawed-off double barrel shotgun made strictly for killing the opposition.
If you can't aim a gun at your opponent, just pull back and let loose a stick of dynomite in their direction. This can be a great way to take out a large group of people with very little effort. The only key thing to remember is good timing. If you let go too late they'll be gone, and hang on too long and you'll be gone.
When the situation calls for a little stabbing, pull out your trusy bowie knife. A great way to kill people quitely and quickly as long as you can keep them within your view and close enough. You have two options with the knife, you can either use it as a throwing knife or you can keep it in your hands and just stab.
Gatling Gun
This gun is for people who can't aim and will rely strictly on luck that a gun that has a 100 round clip will hit someone within the 30 secs it takes to go through that clip. You'll find most games don'y allow the gatling gun, so don't get to comfortable with it.
