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January Archived News

Below is all of the Archived News from January 2003.

More Archived News
.::Big News is Coming     Posted 1-16-03 | 8:34 PM | DontGivUp
   This is just to let you guys know that a really big news article is coming.  It's not about our site or its plans to move, but rather on a radically new (and cool) development to hit the game that we all love.  If you look around and dig a little I'm sure you'll find what I'm talking about.  And I am proud to say that the site has surpassed 26,750 hits.  That means we have had over 3,200 hits since we started the C&C Revival.  With the addition of what is about to be announced here at the Barracks, you can bet that this "big thing" will prove a huge spark for the game.  I probably won't be making many updates for a few days as I prepare the article that will revive the game.  So stay tuned..........

.::Site Updates     Posted 1-11-03 | 6:39 PM | DontGivUp
   Hey everyone.  Sorry about not updating the site for a while, but we've all been rather busy.  We're still waiting on our new domain so we haven't been able to make our move to a different site, but that could change at any time.  I have received several new questions that I have posted in the FAQs area.

.::Happy New Year From the Barracks     Posted 1-3-03 | 9:57 PM | DontGivUp
   Well, here we go.  A new year is here and another one is gone.  But that means it is time for some changes here at the Barracks.  We had hoped to have moved to our new domain, by now but now it seems that it isn't going to happen on time.  While we wait for that to happen you may want to vote in our new pole.  It is on how many battles you do per week.  I also archived the news for the month.  We also received another question for the FAQs for which I posted a response.

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